Chapter 4

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"Right," Liam claps his hands together. I look up from the book I've had buried my nose in. "Now, we're going to see if you have what it takes to become one of us." I furrow my brows together in confusion. What is he talking about? He must have seen my expression because he's quick to explain himself.

"We can't let anyone hang out with us. We have to know if they'd betray us or not when they end up in a tricky situation." My stomach tightens. I should have known that something like this was coming. Who am I for thinking that they'd just accept me without any reason whatsoever? I don't want to do this but I have to.

Karly and Caleb had been so proud of me when I told them everything about my first day. How Tanya and the boys had taken me under their wings immediately. They had said that I was doing much better than they thought I would ever do. Well, thanks for that. They had also said that now I had to do whatever they told me to do. If I managed to do it I would be in. I would be popular.

Tanya smiles widely and squeezes my arm. "Don't worry. You're practically already one of us. This won't be a problem at all." She ensures me. Her words comfort me a tiny bit. Maybe I'll make it through after all. I look at the five boys. Harry and Louis smirk as Niall, Liam and Zayn hold quite neutral expressions. Just like that I'm super nervous again.

"Come on." Liam nods for the rest of us to follow. When I hesitate to follow him, Tanya wraps an arm around me and drags me along.

"It'll be fine," She promises and I force a smile. "I promise."

It has been one week now. One week since school started and I was pulled into this new world. The best and most alarming thing is that Ryder is still nowhere to be seen. Tanya hasn't told me anything more about her and I'm too scared to ask. She can show up any day now which makes me constantly on the edge.

The boys and especially Tanya are very good at reading people. Tanya seems to be able to read me like an open book which I'm both grateful for and bothered by. She tries to make me to tell her what's wrong but every time I make up another lie. I'm not sure if I manage to trick her or if she just accepts them because she doesn't want to push me. Whatever the reason is I'm grateful.

Liam leads us outside and as far away from hearing ears as possible. "Go for it lads." He leans towards the fence and nods for Harry and Louis to take over. Whenever those two are involved and both of them wear that smirk, you know something is up.

This can't be good...

"What's with you, Mads?" Louis grins and smacks my arm. "It'll be fun." He exchanges a look with Harry before he looks back at me. "We promise." Both of them chuckle. I roll my eyes.

"Just tell me what to do already."

"Ohh, did you hear that, Lou?" Harry speaks up. "You just got some competition." Blue eyes are once again turned to me, they're bright with mischief and amusement.

"Sassy, now are we?" He cocks his head at me.

This week has actually done something to me. I have grown as a person and got quite a lot of confidence. I'm getting more and more like the rest of them. I meet Louis' gaze for a moment before I look away. He chuckles. "Okay, okay. Fine. We'll tell you. Want to do the honor, Haz?" Harry nods once and parts his lips to tell me.

"You have to set off the fire alarm and take the consequences for it."

"Is that it?" I ask, expecting more. He shrugs.

"You have to figure everything out yourself and when it's done you send us a text and we'll come and get you." All of them look at me as they wait for my reaction.

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