0.3 - The Incident

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A/N: howdy! Usually I'm not much on author's notes.. but I really would like some feedback! I see you all reading this. 😂 vote me, comment, hell, message me. I need input!


Four years ago

Klaus stumbled into the back door of the medical dispensary that his closest friend Claudia ran. High as a kite again, he found his way to the door to the main store.

"Yoo-hooo!" He called out, trying to get her attention. She was weighing out product for a customer, and the sound made her twist her head in his direction. She glared, handing the sale off to one of her employees before excusing herself to the back.

"Klaus, I told you last time. I can't have you constantly popping in the back of the store. You're not licensed, you're high as a kite, and I was with a customer," she scolded, escorting him to the back alley. "What do you need? Money again?"

"No, I just wanted to see if I could hang out at your place for a few days," he trailed off at the end. When he was recently high it was hard for Claudia to get a good reading on him. Guilt maybe.

"Klaus, what happened to rehab?" She asked. She was the one who fronted the bill, he should at least have given it more than a week or two for the program to help him. "I paid for you to be there for three months, and that was two weeks ago."

"Yeah, it wasn't really my thing. Really dull, you know?" He answered, lighting a cigarette. Claudia followed suit. "Besides, you're my favorite person and I thought you would be lonely without me."

It pained her to see him falling back into the same cycle she had watched him in for so many years. Something had to change.

"You're not staying with me until you get clean in some way," her voice started to raise. "I can't keep doing this, Klaus. You never stay in rehab long enough for them to help you. I can only help you so much and I'm starting to hit my limits."

"But, Claudia," he whined, flicking his cigarette across the alley. "You love me." He turned to face her, pulling her into an embrace that she didn't welcome.

"No. Get your shit together, Klaus. Then come talk to me about doing you favors," she pushed him off of her. Flicking out her cigarette, she walked back to the door of her shop. She paused, looking back at his hurt expression. She bit her lip, before shaking her head at him and slamming the shop door shut behind her.

The memory of the encounter lingered on her mind the rest of her night. She felt bad for treating Klaus so harshly before, but she told herself it was for his own good. He had to start taking life seriously for his own sake.

She shut down her office computer and gathered her things. Her hand was on the door handle when the store phone rang. The caller ID said it was the hospital and her heart jumped into her throat. She almost missed the call, picking up on the last ring.

"Hello?" Her voice was starting to shake. Her anxiety started to rise and it tied her stomach in knots.

"Is this Claudia?" The voice on the other end asked.

"Yes," she answered. "What's wrong? Is it Klaus?"

"Your brother overdosed. We need to keep him overnight but he's been trying to leave since we got him here," the nurse answered. "We had to sedate him just to give him treatment."

"What kind of treatment?" Claudia asked. Normally, they would give him a dose of something to counteract the OD and let him go. If they had kept him long enough, the voices were bound to come back.

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