1.3 - The Darkness

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Claudia had never felt so alone. The concept of time had become foreign to her as she glanced around in the darkness. Allison's fading pink aura still clung to life beside her as she fell to her knees and felt herself start to break down. Tears flowed freely from her eyes as she laid her head in her hands.

Just as she had given up hope, a bright green light entered the blackness. There were other colors behind it, orange and violet and yellow, but the green drowned all of them out. A loud banging noise shook her from her trance, and the blackness faded to reveal the cabin she had been in with Allison. She was laying in Klaus's arms, as he carried her back to the car. 

"Klaus," she started to try to explain to him, but he hushed her and laid her in the back seat of Diego's car. Her head laid on his lap. 

"Claudia, my God," his hands ran through her hair. "I thought you were gone forever. It took forever for Luther to break through that.. that field around you."

She gave him a confused look, "Field? I don't know what you mean. I was in this place. It was all dark and it was like it just consumed me. All I could see was pure emotion. There was this bright green light, and the next thing I knew, there you were."

Klaus let a tear fall from his eye. "I thought I lost you."

"I'm not going anywhere without you," she offered a small smile. "What about Allison?" Claudia asked. The memory of the events with Vanya was still hazy. It was hard for her to process the raw emotion that flowed from her sister.

"She's bleeding out pretty bad," Diego said from the front seat. "We have to get her to the house as soon as we can."

They sped across town and pulled in haphazardly in front of the house. "Can you walk?" Klaus asked, helping Claudia out of the car.

She nodded and followed the rest of her siblings inside. They rushed Allison upstairs, but she was barely hanging on to life. "Someone needs to give blood," Pogo explained, looking between the five of them.

Luther jumped to offer first, but Pogo shook his head. "I'm afraid your blood is more similar to mine, Master Luther."

"I'll do it. I love needles," Klaus exclaimed, smacking the arm where most of his track marks were. Claudia shot him a warning stare.

"Your blood is.. er.. how should I say this.. too polluted," Pogo responded.

Diego was the next to jump to help, and he fainted at the first sight of a needle. Claudia chuckled and helped get him into a chair so Grace could stick him with the needle. When she turned, Klaus had vanished and she found herself in desperate need of her medication.

As she entered the room, she heard Klaus and Ben talking about Klaus's newfound sobriety. When Klaus started shouting about trying to find drugs, she just shook her head and dug out her pipe.

It took her a few puffs to finally start to relax, but once she did it helped her to finally focus and reflect on what had just happened to her. It was an alternate dimension, she could be sure of that. It was one where only emotion was visible to her.

Vanya's signature had been such a deep purple it seemed almost black. It had made her feel broken, and so hurt it made her desperate for revenge. But revenge for what?

Claudia was yanked out of her thoughts when she heard Klaus exclaim from across the hall, "You just Patrick Swayze'd me!"

When she poked her head through the door, Ben and Klaus both turned to her. "Clauds! I don't know how, but Ben just hit me! He knocked the drugs right out of my mouth!"

Claudia laughed, and reached out to give Ben a high five. The smack from their hands resonated through the room and Klaus's mouth dropped open. "You can do it too? Man, I am so behind the times."

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