captured part 2

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2 months later
Sabine's pov
Ita been 2 months since the mission where ezra was taken by the empire ive been sad the whole time i was in my room trying to paint but it was no use i couldnt do it not until my blueberry was safe, all of a sudden my comlink went off and it was hera she told me to come to the command centre immediately we have information about ezra, i race towards the command centre and i find hera mon mothma kanan zeb and rex i say where is ezra we have received word from one of our fulcrum agents that ezra is being held on lothal mon mothma replies then lets go get him i tell her its to dangerous she said hes being held in the detention block, i dont care ill go on my own if i have to rex walks up to me and puts a hand on my shoulder i with sabine on this one ezra saved us my men and i owe him this so will i zeb stepped in lets go get him mon mothma says may the force be with us  dont worry ezra im coming.

Ezra's pov


Pain was all i could feel during the interrogation punch after punch while dealing from the pain of a blaster shot that the med droid fixed but was still painful i would never break even with all the pain i have taken im not sure i can hold on much longer, next thing i hear was alarms going off and i feel footsteps coming closer to the door then an explosion goes off and i see the door fly in to the room and i feel woozy but i can hear blaster shots go off then stop and i can just make out a colourful figure and i breath out sabine and she looks at me in horror and sadness to see all the injuries that i suffered to all the cuts and bruises and tied to an electric table she orders the men to release and to grab him slowly they did so and they grab me then sabine hugs me and says i was so worried about you thank you sabine i could...nt.... keep... going... on... like...that... then i pass out i can hear sabine crying and tells the men to fall back to base with me in tow.

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