the escape

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Ezra's pov

The day has finally come we are planning to attack the empire's factory on lothal while we were waiting for admiral dodanna's fleet our transmission was cut with ryder from lothal he said the empires fleet has left the system and got cut off and commander sato told all forces to prepare for an attack.

20 minutes later

We hear a set of boom like explosions and we see admiral dodannas fleet exit hyperspace then a minute later there was another it was the empire's fleet commanded my grand admiral thrawn, sato began the evacuation of all forces to escape and i went to my gauntlet fighter that i got from maul and hera went to the ghost while kanan went to find the bendu to tell of of the threat that was coming, while i left the planet i was followed by many fighters and we began to shoot imperial fighters and i saw a blockade runner go to lightspeed but was immediately pulled back out and i said oh no we are doomed as i see a interdicter cruiser apeear on the right side of thrawns ship, we tried to take down as many ships as we could then i hear sato contact me through my comlink and told me to go to a specific coordinates and prepare to jump i dont know what he was up to but then i hear him say all hands head for the escape pods and pull back to attolon and they did then 2 of the pilots stayed at their stations of the bridge controls,he tried to fake an escape but was really trying to lure the interdicter cruiser out to destroy it Constantine was foolish and started heading towards the carrier but sato moved to the ship and rammed it through the middle of the ship head on and it destroyed the ship and i was told by hera to jump now and i do so and the rebels fall back to attolon. After i went into hyperspace and chopper asked me where are we going to get help and i reply sabine
We make it to krownest and i was contacted by a wren patrol and i asked to land and i was granted permission i exit my ship and went straight to the throne room as i enter i see sabine tristan ursa and fenn looking at a map of could have been mandalore and sabine looks at me and says ezra what are you doing here and chopper said we escaped attolon and she says what do you mean you escaped, thawn ambushed us on attolon we could really use your help rau begins to speak you have poor timing bridger we are in the middle of a civil war ursa then says  and all of our forces are stretched to their limit trying to protect what geound we have please at least hear me out we risked everything to get her im sorry tristan begins we just dont have the resources if no is your final answer then we'll go back alone i turn to leave and i walk towards sabine where the door is i tell her i do hope to see you again sabine and i look down with a sad face if we dont meet again remember me and i pull of my necklace and grab her hand and place it in her hand and i whisper in her ear i will always love you sabine goodbye and i leave and she looks at her hand and puts her other hand to her mouth and gasps a little and begins to shed some tears, ursa notices this and says sabine what is it i show her and say its the necklace i made him and she begins to cry more and her knees go out and falls to her knees and ursa races towars her and says you love him dont you ....... yes i do she replies i have for a long time then go get him take a few ships and any warriors who are willing to join you and we go prepare out fighters.

As i leave krownest i say to chopper were on our own chop and enter hyperspace to return to attolon i contact hera and tell her that im coming back but im on my own she says thats not good we need to take out that other interdicter cruiser if there is any chance of escape for any of us ill deal with it and i end the transmission, we enter the system and i get my spacesuit on and exit the ship controls are yours chop go back to the planet and i head for the gravity wells and i see jet troopers coming from the ship and i ignite my lightsaber and pull out my blaster, then began shooting them then focused my attention to the gravity well and i sigh this is where it ends for me i contact the rebels on the planet i say im going to destroy the interdicter cruiser get ready to evac this is ezra bridger signing off for the last time and i slash the ship with my saber and there were explosions going off then,I hear a loud bang and turn around and see grey and yellow mandalorian ships and i see sabine coming towards me then the explosion goes off and i hear a scream EZRA!!!! and i say goodbye sabine i love you Then there was a white lightand i kept looking at sabine then nothing i was gone.

So guys hope you liked that chapter sorry it was so long this chapter i just though it my head comment what you though and ask what you would like me to create next

And remember the force will be with you always

star wars rebels one shotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें