Being friends Thomas Rush

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I decided to do something a little different, since I couldn't think up a good story. This'll be more like scenarios than an actual one shot. The relationship is purely platonic.

Being (close)friends with Thomas Rush would include:

•You guys joke a lot.

•Your his right hand man/woman, therefore you are very loyal to him and he depends on you a lot

•People think you're dating

•He rambles to you about bio-farming engineering and the military (you doesn't mind)

•you can go to each other with just about anything-from problems you're having or just emotional support

•fond of each other's company

•always looking out for each other

•talking about life before the collapse

•looking at the aurora lights in the sky while sharing a crate of bears

•you both are really dedicated to helping rebuild civilization

•You both are willing to give your lives for each other

•Having conversations about what your gonna do when you reach the next homestead

•Having him depend on you more than anyone else

•Talks about family

•He tells you about his time in the military

•you two look out for the rest of your people

•arguing about whether you or him will do something risky

•Fist bumps!

•You guys are loyal to each other until the end

Let me know if I should do more of these!!

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