Chapter 17 ༈ Unexpected Apology

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Heads up: Harry apologizing? That's rare and surprising. Especially for Peter to hear from you.


(Y/n) - Your Name
(Y/n/n) - Your Nickname
(F/c) - Favorite Color
(H/c) - Hair color
(H/l) - Hair Length
(F/f) - Favorite Food
(F/s) - Favorite Snack
(E/c) - Eye Color

You were walking to school when your phone buzzed. 4 notifications. The Weather Channel, a game you had on your phone called Dancing Line and 2 text messages. One being from Mj and another being from Peter. Mj being that she wanted to meet you by your locker and Peter waiting for you outside wondering if you were nearby or coming. You smiled from reading Peter's. Quickly texting them back, you made it to school in no time. There he was waiting for you at the entrance and when he saw you, he smiled. Rolling your eyes playfully, you walked up the stairs to him.

"Morning Peter. You seems cheery." You told him and he rolled his eyes "Yeah Yeah. Let's just go." He said and the both of you walked into the school. Walking down the crowded hallway, Peter said he'll see you later and that's when you heard your name. "(Y/n)!"
You saw Mj waving and you waved back walking over.

"Hey bookworm." You said and she responded "Hey owl." - "hardy har, very funny." You said smiling knowing of your owl Willow. "How's Willow anyway?" Mj asked as she waited for you to put your things away. "Doing well. Very.... observant." You told her and she shook her head chuckling to herself.

•< Time Skip to Lunch >•

You, Mj and Brandi were walking to the cafeteria together and as you got to the door, someone tapped your shoulder. To no surprise it was Harry. "I'll meet you guys inside." You told Brandi and Mj as you were now standing at the entrance with Harry. "What is it?" You had asked him in a calm tone knowing for a fact that your friends were probably watching from the table. "I wanted to apologize for last night." He said.

Am I dreaming? Is 'the' Harry Osborn, the school flirt and son of Neil Osborn actually apologizing for what happened last night? Is someone telling him to do it? This is just so weird. By what I've heard, he rarely apologizes to anyone. "It's okay. You didn't know your dad was going to ask a lot of questions."

"It's not just that (Y/n)..." he continued. You looked at him a little confused and waited for him to continue. "I wanted to apologize for flirting around you or to you so much. I'm sorry if I've made you uncomfortable." He mentioned and you gave a small smile trying to reassure him that it was okay. "Don't worry but I accept your apology. Just know not everyone likes being flirted on every time or everyday." Your smile left as he turned to get something that he needed from his locker. At that moment, you turned into the cafe with a confused look. No longer having the smile on your face.

Brandi was sitting next to Ned, Ned next to Peter, Michelle across from Ned and once you arrived, you sat next to Michelle. "That was.... strange." You said and they all looked at you. They all saw you talking to Harry. "What was that about?" Mj asked. "He.. apologized which was.. weird.." you replied and they all looked confused too. Peter more than the others by raising an eyebrow. "He, apologized?" - "Yeah." - "He rarely apologizes." Peter admitted and you nodded. "From what I've heard?.... yeah..." - "Well what did he say sorry for?" Brandi asked followed by Ned saying yeah. "For the constant flirting with me and for how his father acted at dinner last night." You responded.

"Wait, what do you mean by he way his father acted last night.. did he do something?" Brandi asked. "He made everyone feel uncomfortable about the way he presented himself to us and how he spoke. Not to mention how silent it was, the way he would look at everyone and it got really uncomfortable when he kept asking just (Y/n) questions. Most being about the wounds she has, which was weird.." Ned told her.

"That is weird. Why would Mr. Osborn be so interested in your wounds more than trying to get along with everyone all together like the usual family dinners do..." Brandi said in a questioned tone. "I don't know but it's all to crazy to me if you really think about it. Ever since Harry came, I've had this.. feeling.. I'm not sure if it's a bad feeling but I know it isn't a good one." Was what you told them and they looked at you for a second before eating the rest of their food.

"We should all just hang out and take a breather. Hopefully it's nothing more than just an apology. I was thinking maybe a picnic. You all in?" You looked up at them when you asked and they nodded except for Brandi. "I'm actually going to the movies with Blossom." She stated. "Ooo, Brandi here has a date with a popular." Mj teased and you laughed where Peter and Ned chuckled.

"Yeah she might be a popular but she's nothing compared to how they really are." Was what Brandi said before the bell rang for next class. "Time to go people. Autobots? Move out." You said as you stood. "You did not just quote Optimus." - "Hell Yeah I did. Who doesn't like Transformers?" Everyone laughed after you did and stood up, walking out of the cafe and down the hallway alongside you.

•< Time Skip to Picnic at the Park >•

"So (Y/n), are you going to-.." Mj started off and you alright caught along but threw a chip at her. "No Mj. Stop it right now. That's for Girl talk." - "Yeah okay sure it is." She said and rolled her eyes following it by a smile. "You don't smile much Mj but it looks nice." Ned said and she dropped it in a matter of seconds "Don't push it." She replied and both you and Peter laughed. "We should play a game!" You mentioned.

"A game?" Mj asked as she bit her sandwich. "Yeah. It'll be fun." - "Okay. What game?" - "Pick one. I spy or Hide & Seek?" You asked everyone. "For I spy raise your hands." No one raised their hands. "Alright so Hide & Seek it is. I'll Count first so you guys hide." You told the three of them and they got up quickly as soon as you closed your eyes and started to count.

"9... 10! Ready or not here I come!" You yelled as you stood up and started walking around the park. A few minutes had passed by and nothing. "Wow they're good." You muttered. Snap. A tree branch snapped not too far away from you, making you give a slight smirk. "Well I wonder who is behind this tree." You said and when you poked your head around, it was nobody. "Huh.." you muttered but then you heard a scream. "Mj?!" You yelled running towards the direction you heard it from. That's when you saw him.

Green Goblin.

He had Mj and started laughing like a maniac. "HAHAHAHAHA. Hello deary." It said and you looked at him with an angry face. "Put her down! Take me instead!" You yelled and the Goblin was on his jet as he held her. "Don't worry Mj.. I'll-.." you were cut off by the Goblin when he said "You'll meet us here alone at 8." He started to say and you grabbed the note he threw. "Oh and come in your little white suit you wear. You know. The one with the Lion Headpiece?" He finished and you were shocked that he had found out, but how? "And don't get any ideas of bringing anyone along or your little friend here.. dies." He spat out and laughed again before flying in the air with Mj then disappearing. "No!" You yelled.

Peter and Ned came running out of their hiding places when they heard screaming. Looking around they didn't see anything until Peter turned to his left and saw you kneeling on the ground. When they approached closer they heard sniffling. "(Y/n)? Where's Mj?" Ned asked as Peter bent down next to you. "The Green Goblin took her. He wouldn't let her go unless White Lion goes to him." You replied and they both looked at each other before looking at you.

"You know White Lion?" They both asked and you nodded but lied. "She's saved me a couple of times before when I was in trouble. We've talked a little too." Peter nodded and started to gently rub your back. You leaned on to him and cried for a couple of minutes. "It's my fault... we shouldn't have played that game." - "It's not your fault (Y/n). You didn't know it was going to be here. You didn't know that was going to happened. You can't blame yourself for something your didn't know was going to happen."

Peter's voice was reassuring and calm which helped you out a bit more than you had expected for it to. Pulling yourself off from him, you wiped your tears and looked up at him. "Thank you Peter, but we should probably get packing and inform her if we want Mj back." You said then he asked. "Did he tell you anything else besides wanting White Lion?" That's when you remember what he told you. "He said he wanted her to go alone." You replied and Peter looked over at Ned with a this can't be good look.

I apologize if some of it is not good and I also wanted to say that this one is a bit longer than the other chapters I have written before.

•< Word Count >• 1653

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