Chapter 30 ༈ The Unexpected Visit

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Heads up: A person comes to visit your house while you're home from school early. They're a long time best friend of Brazen and when they show up, Brazen knows it can't just be to check up on them and how things are doing. Does this friend of theirs know something?


(Y/n) - Your Name
(Y/n/n) - Your Nickname
(F/c) - Favorite Color
(H/c) - Hair color
(H/l) - Hair Length
(F/f) - Favorite Food
(F/s) - Favorite Snack
(E/c) - Eye Color

The walk home was semi quiet besides of all of the chatter around you from people and the honking horns from mad people trying to hurry up. Brazen wasn't mad at you and you knew that for sure but he was mad at the fact that this 'Brooke' girl had found out who you were.

Upon entering the house, you paced your bag down on the recliner and sat down on the couch with a blank expression. Brazen locked the front door and partially closed the blinds a bit so no one could look in. He then made his way over to the couch where you were sitting and knelt down in front of you. "Hey Kid.. are you doing alright?" He asked in a gentle yet concerned and worried manner. "Y-yeah.. I'm.." you started to say but shook your head as your tears were threatening to spill from your eyes. "I'm scared they'll find me again. I don't want them to. I don't want to go back. Please don't let them get me." You told him and he frowned as he placed a hand on your knee.

"No one is going to take you. You know damn well that neither Penelope and I would let that happen. You're going to be alright. You're safe now and they're not going to get you. There's a lot of people looking out for you, you know that right?" He said and you nodded you head then gave him a hug which he gladly returned. It wasn't till you both heard someone knocking on your front door that you both pulled away. Brazen signaled you to stay put as he got up.

Heading towards the door, there was another knock and it was a bit louder. Brazen turned the doorknob and opened the door. "Elbis?" He said in a shocked tone and whoever was standing at the doorway came in. It was a darker man with a leather like outfit. He was tall but not nearly as tall as Brazen. "What are you doing here?" Brazen asked him and when the man who you assumed was Elbis faced you he gave a sad smile. He pointed at you to answer his question.

"I'm here because of her." He started and Brazen raised an eyebrow. "Please explain what you mean by 'you're here because of her'. Is there a reason?" Brazen asked and Elbis nodded. "Yes. It's Thomas." At that moment you saw Brazen's eyes widen then be filled with anger. "Thomas? Thomas who?" You asked curiously. You knew you had heard of that name before but couldn't remember where. "Thomas Net."

The guy told you and that's when it all came back to you. A tear streamed down your face as you remembered exactly who he was. He was your Hydra officer in charge of you. "But he's just an officer, he can't do nothing without consent." Brazen stated and Elbis sighed. "He got promoted to being a commander. He's able to do as he wishes and because he lost (Y/n), he's trying to get her back." He told him.

"Wait... Thomas is the one coming to get me?" You asked. "If I'm correct, possibly but we don't know for sure because he only tells one other person." Elbis replies and looks over at you. "Who?" Brazen cut in. "Xavier." Brazen looked over at you know too well who Xavier was and you had only heard of his name while in your cell. "Why can't they just leave me alone already." You complained and both men sighed. "You know why." Elbis said and you nodded knowing all too well. They wanted you back mainly because of your power and what you are able to do with them.

"What do we do now?" You asked after there was a long amount of silence that seeped through the room. "We lay low. You go to school and straight back home afterwards. Saturday is alright since you have something with Peter that day but other than that, you come right back home. Got it?" Brazen spat out and you didn't do anything else but nod your head.

Brazen turned his attention back to his friend. "So Elbis, where did they place you since he's commander." He asked and Elbis thought for a second before replying "they placed me on teleportation and guard duty. That's one of the reasons why I was able to stop by and tell you this." He admitted and Brazen nodded. Just then Penelope entered the house with grocery bags in her arms.

She managed to mumble out "a little help here." As Brazen looked over and grabbed two bags, leaving her with one. That's when she saw Elbis. "Elbis.." She said and gave him a quick hug which he returned. "What are you doing here?" She asked him out of curiosity. Brazen placed the bags down on the countertop as he motioned for the both of them to come over. You went back to your blank expression look as you stared at the wall thinking about everything that's happening.

After Penelope walked over to where Brazen was with Elbis following along, they both explained everything that just happened. Brazen even explained to the part of what happened at school and why she was home early. She couldn't believe it and her face was angry at first but when she looked over at you, a frown appeared. She didn't want them to take you and she was going to make sure they didn't if they came.

Penelope gave Brazen a look and he nodded letting her walk over to you. Brazen started up a conversation with his friend as Penelope sat next to you on the couch. "Hey hun. I heard about everything." She said in a soft tone which snapped you out of your trance and made you look at her. Your face showed how worried you were and scared. All of the things they did to you in Hydra was cruel. They only did it for their own purposes and uses. No one else's.

"When did the voices started?" - "Today I believe." You replied and she gave a small concerned smile. "I have an idea but that's only if you're up for it." She started to tell you but continued "do you know who it is talking to you?" She asked and you shook your head no. "What is your idea?" You asked her and she took one of your hands into hers. "If it happens again, maybe you could let me peek into your mind to find out who exactly is speaking to you?" Penelope said.

That was one of the other abilities she was able to do other than bend water. Hesitant for a moment you glanced down at the table for a second before looking back up at her and nodding your head. "Yeah. You can do that but right now, I don't have anything. It's just.. blank." You responded to her question but she just nodded her head. "Well if anything, let me know." Was all she told you before she let go of your hand and stood to put some groceries away. "You boys are going to help." You could hear her say at Brazen and Elbis who seemed to be in a deep conversation.

•< Word Count >• 1309

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