Chapter 1: An Unknown Purpose

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*Sora's perspective*

I understand why Master Yen Sid's tower is considered mysterious. We can only get there through a crazy train in Twilight Town! Speaking of Twilight Town, we were able to bring back Roxas in the last adventure. What a strange moment that was. Roxas's heart flew straight out of my chest!

Donald, Goofy, Riku and I are on our way to the Mysterious Tower to see Master Yen Sid, but I can't walk through Twilight Town without paying a visit to my friends!

"Roxas!" I see him! He's with Xion, Axel, Isa, Hayner, Pence, and Olette.

"Hey, Sora!" Roxas shouts as they all eagerly wave in my direction. I don't spare second to run over to them.

"How is everyone? Aheheh!"

"We were about to get some sea salt ice cream and sit on the clock tower. Wanna join us?" Axel offers.

"Uuh...the clock tower?" I'm starting to feel shaky at the thought of it, but I have no idea why! "Uh, that's okay! Heheh...we have a train to catch!" I begin to wave goodbye, but a sudden heaviness in my heart stops me. "Uh."

"Are you okay, Sora?" Hayner seems to notice a change in my behavior, and I realize that maybe I should ask my friends here if they know anything about the charm. Maybe that's what my heart is trying to tell me.

"Yeah, but...can I ask you all something?" I ask, and they all curiously stay silent as I pull the mysterious charm from my pocket. "Do any of you know who this belongs to?" They study the charm as I hold it out for all of them to see.

"Can we take a closer look?" Pence wonders if he can hold the charm.

"Sure." I agree, and they all huddle to examine the unfamiliar object.

"Hm..I haven't seen it before." Olette observes the charm closely.

"Yep. I got nothin'." Hayner remarks.

"Why are you wondering, Sora?" Xion returns the charm to me.

"Honestly, I'm not sure. Something tells me that this lucky charm is important. It's linked to my heart, and that's why it feels so special. The only problem is...that I don't know how or why."

"You'll figure it out." Roxas turns to me and nods confidently. "If anyone can, it's you, Sora."

"Heheh...thanks, Roxas."

"Sora, let's go." Riku's hand takes hold of my shoulder.

"Right. Goodbye, everyone." I lighten the mood with a smile and excited wave.

"Goodbye, Sora!" The group shouts as Riku, Donald, Goofy and I race for the train station.


The vast area around the train turns to outer space, and the track resembles a ghostly green now that we've officially exited Twilight Town.

"I wonder what crazy mission Master Yen Sid has for us this time." I throw my hands behind my head and relax in my seat.

"We'll find out." Riku asserts.

"That dang Xehanort better not be on our backs again. I don't care if he thinks he's a good guy now."

"Settle down there, Donald. We don't even know what the mission is yet." Goofy insists.

"I'm with Donald." That awful memory of Xehanort mercilessly striking down the light of my life is creeping into my mind. "Ugh. Nobody hurts Kairi like that, not if I have any say in it."

"We're here." Riku states as the train comes to an abrupt stop. I observe the familiar area as we exit the train, and nothing stands out more than the enormous tower that's built to be almost as big as the floating island itself.

"Here we come, Master Yen Sid." I stare down the tower before eagerly running to the front doors.


We've finally reached the top of the stairs, and I am unusually out of breath.

"Sora! You are out of shape!" Donald criticizes.

"Hey! I am not!"

"Guys. C'mon, stop bickering and let's go." Riku opens the door to reveal Master Yen Sid from behind it. He's sitting in his usual chair, staring us down until we step closer to his desk.

"Sora, Donald, Goofy, Riku, I sense yet another imbalance, or rather, a force seeking to commence it."

"Xehanort?!" I snap at the thought of that wretched man.

"No. It is another threat; unfortunately, one I do not know of, as of now."

"So...what do you want us to do, Master?" I ask.

"Sora, Donald, and Goofy, I ask you all to adventure through the worlds and search for any clues within them. You can use your gummiphone to deliver updates to Chip and Dale."

"Roger that!" I raise my hand to my forehead in salute to the Master as Donald and Goofy do the same.

"Riku, I want you to work on gathering the other guardians of light. We need to be prepared for any possible and sudden action."

"Yes, Master."

"Oh, Master Yen Sid, there's something I need to ask you about." I pull out the charm by its string and hold it before the Master. "This charm feels so important to me, but I can't figure out why. Do you happen to know where it came from?"

"What do you feel is your connection to it?"

"I think it belonged to someone. Someone I might've known but don't remember. Part of me even feels confident enough to say that this someone could be the third person linked to my heart."

"I believe you have answered your own question, Sora." Master Yen Sid is right, and knowing that puts the biggest grin on my face.

"Right! Let's go, Donald, Goofy! The worlds are waiting!" I throw my fist into the air with confidence, and as Donald and Goofy head for the door, I hold the charm in the palm of my hand, gazing at it intently.

          "With time comes memories. Some of them I've lost before, but I found them again. I want to see everything clearly, including you, and the memories that time provides."

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