Chapter 3: No name

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*Still Vanitas's Perspective*

Yet again, my heart was reconstructed by negative emotions, but these emotions were a little different. Instead of sadness caused by fear, my heart now consists of sadness caused by loss. Loss of the one person I ever made an effort to care for, Hana.

I'd have done anything to bring her back. In fact, I was desperate, for my existence at the time is based solely on the sorrow inflicted by her disappearance. In my hopelessness, I accepted a deal with Xigbar.

I stood in that spot where she vanished, waiting and waiting for a return that would never come. That was when Xigbar showed up. He saw through my desperation and took advantage.

"Vanitas, what are you still doing in this place?"

"Like you don't know?"

"You don't doubt me! I appreciate that." Xigbar sneered.

"What do you want?"

"Just your destroying the bridge."

The dark fires of rage engulfed me at the sound of his words.

"Destroy the bridge?! How dare you ask me to help you with that! Hana gave up everything to have that bridge rebuilt!"

"You're missing part of the deal here."

"I see what you want. You don't care about what I want!"

"You're wrong. By destroying the bridge, Hana's heart will rebuild itself and fall right into your hands. Then, it's your choice what you do with it."

"Hana..." I couldn't take her off my mind. Her sweet laugh, soft touch, and glimmering smile...those are the things I love about her most.

"Is that a yes I hear?"

"What do you need me to do?"

"Infiltrate The World Between. The bridge is being severely protected, and only people who cared deeply for Hana can enter their souls through the barrier. Find the bridge, and destroy it."

"Fine, but first, I need a plan for when I acquire Hana's heart. I'll let you know when I'm ready."

"Very well. Don't take too long." Xigbar vanished.

I knew who I needed to go to for assistance, but, with him, asking comes with a price.

I went to the darkest place I could think of.  I went where the heart of darkness itself resides.

"Darkness, where are you? I've come to ask you for your help."

"You, Vanitas? Since when do you need my help?" The darkness, or the dark representation of Sora, emerged from a leaking portal before me.

"I need you to retrieve something for me."

"Oh, yeah? What's in it for me?"

"A heart."

"Hearts are a failure. They only produce useless feelings."

"This heart is different. With its feelings comes power."

"Power..? What kind of power?"

"Wouldn't you like to find out?"

The darkness's yellow eyes beamed through mine in search for lies, but he found nothing but truth.

"So...which heart is it that you would like me to rip out?" The darkness smiled maliciously.

"I'll show you."

Through my portal stood Destiny Islands, where I overheard Riku and the brat talking about rescuing Hana. I found that hilarious, considering they don't even know who she is anymore.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2019 ⏰

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