Chapter 5

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The Merchant's Quarter of Limt was bustling. It was the first day of Early Fall, and many religions would celebrate the turning of the seasons over the course of the next few days. The presence of someone in a full gray cloak with the hood drawn up was nothing new or unusual. The fact that this person might be wearing cloth gloves simply indicated that they were clergy, or perhaps upper class. So I was able to pass through the streets of Limt unmolested and unquestioned.

As I walked along, I proceeded to look over the shop signs. Each hanging plank of wood cast a long shadow in the afternoon sun. Public workers were starting to sweep the cobblestone, preparing the streets for dinner services hosted at the many inns scattered around the area. I was careful not to jostle anyone, and any vendor or passerby who spoke to me received a quiet but polite nod.

Finally, I came across the sign I was looking for. The polished oak plaque simply read 'The Magic Shop'. Not that I could read Common too well, rather I had someone write it down for me at one of the few stops along the way that took my money and didn't ask questions. The pattern of squiggles seemed to match almost perfectly.

I walked into the decently sized establishment. The area in front of the counter had a dozen racks and displays. Behind protective glass was a selection of scrolls and wands. Common herbs and components were in sealed jars along the left wall. Behind the counter, a small selection of necklaces, amulets, and charms could be seen in individual display cases. Stairs in the northeast corner led up to what one could assume was a living area, as it was marked 'Private'. Stairs in the southeast corner led down, to an area marked 'Stock'.

There was a group of three older ladies haggling with the tall proprietor. They were trying to talk him down to 25 pieces of gold for a particular scroll, but he was holding firm at 30. "Really ladies, if you consider that once one of you learns the spell you can teach the others, it really is a steal. The Flat Mule spell can help you to carry heavy loads with perfect control, without the need to feed, shelter, or care for an animal. Even the most novice caster can maintain the Flat Mule for an hour, and masters can keep it conjured for the better part of a day."

I turned my gaze to the smaller shopkeep. He was up on a step stool, restocking herbs. I could tell he was trying to hide a smile. The human's hands deftly placed pre-measured bundles of the plant based spell components into the correct jar, before sealing it tightly.

Apparently the ladies were sold. Money changed hands, the scroll was handed over, and the chatty women exited the store in a rather excited state.

Rick called over to Will, "I told you that the name Flat Mule would catch on."

Will laughed, "It's an awful name. I think the elves call it something boring, like a Disk of Transport. Still, better to be memorable than efficient." He gestured over at me. "You have a customer."

Rick strode towards me, wearing his best winning smile. "Welcome to The Magic Shop, I'm Richard. Were you looking for anyt- sweet holy Vinara!"

Will turned his head sharply to see what had startled his partner so much. What he saw made him tumble gracelessly from the step stool and land square on his ass.

I had thrown my hood back to show off my orcish features and the green tinted skin of my face. My cloak was hanging open to show them the amulet that had played such a major role in changing my life.

"Hello my human friends, it is good to see you again. Are you alright Will?"

The smaller man scrambled to his feet. "F-fine! I'm fine. Rick I'm just going to close the curtains and lock the door..."

Rick nodded, mutely. His mouth was open and working, but he couldn't seem to get his voice to cooperate.

I murmured, "If I've caught you at a bad time, or if this is an unwelcome visit, I can head off. I just wanted to... you had mentioned the name of your shop, and that I should stop by sometime."

Another Stupid SpellWhere stories live. Discover now