Chapter 3

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I sat there broken and bloodied as tears streamed down my face. I never understood life. Why couldn't I just die already!

This was a cruel world, it was more then I ever thought it could be. I had been convinced that everyone was stuck in a fairytale. My life was meaningless and nothing good could ever come of it. Everywhere I turned there was pain. The simplest mishap and I was at a funeral, or trapped in a burning house or here, in hell.... But then again, hell could describe my entire life.

I slowly opened my eyes to look around the damp room. There was no where to go, no where to hide. I swear that I should've never left with him. I should've let those men just kill me. He made it seem like he was my knight in shining armor when in all reality he wasn't shit. He was just an errand boy and the beginning of my demise.

Why did they have to drag out this process I thought in my head.

I slowly stood and that's when I felt it. The pain shot through my body. I knew that something was broken or on the verge of being broken. My body flew to the wall but the power of the water kept me standing.

"Dirty bitch. Just like your fucking mother. I can't wait to get rid of your useless ass," he stated as he turned off the hose. My body fell to the floor. I coughed hard as I gasped for my next breath. "Don't dirty yourself up. Someone is going to come clean you up soon. Your ass is making my spot too damn hot. You gotta go. For now anyways."

That's when he came in. He smirked at me and I felt the pain again. I was so dumb.

"Are you enjoying your stay?" he said with laughter. "I mean it might not be all that you're used too, but you might live to become accustomed to it."

I hung my head low in shame and fear. Before he could open his mouth and utter another word, the doorbell rang. He looked over at his pops and then to the stairs. He then glanced back at me. He picked up a towel and wrapped my body in it. "Today's your lucky day," and with that he began to take me up the stairs.

I sat on the chair being primped up and told how I was to react and respond. I had make up caked all over my face and neck and the new clothes covered all the bruises on my body. I now understood how people could be in an abusive relationship and no one knew. Make up and a good stylist could hide it very well. She finished my hair and added a little more color and gloss to my lips.

"Finished," she called out. The door opened as he walked in.

"Look at that babe. You did a perfect job," he said as he pecked her lips.

"Thanks boo. I did my best. I mean ya really did a number on her but you know I got skills."

"Now," he spoke looking my way, "you must not show any pain or else that'll really be your ass. Like I said, today's your lucky day. You better enjoy it."

She lifted her hand to me and I slowly stood up. I eased my feet into the heels that were provided for me. Lord please just let me make it through this or let death come easy, I silently prayed. I didn't know if there was a GOD after what I've been through, but with me not knowing what I was about to face I figured that a prayer and a little bit of faith wouldn't hurt. I plastered a small smile on my face and proceeded down the stairs and to the main room.

"And here she is."

Heads turned and looked at me. The most handsome man sat in the corner eyeing me. His gaze was harsh yet endearing.

"I don't know Kyle. She looks kinda young," the man spoke.

"I can assure you that she is very experienced tho," Kyle reitterated.

My heart nearly ran out of my chest. I swallowed hard as I realized what was happening before my very eyes. I was being sold like some hoe. I should've known that shit like this happened and that it could and would happen to someone like me. I felt the urge to cry but held it in as fear took over me. The fear of what would happen if the tear fell and the makeup removed, showing my true skin.

"Do you hear me talking to you?!" Kyle asked with a stern voice.

"Yes sir." I spoke barely above a whisper.

"Then respond." I stood there quiet not knowing how to react.

"I'm ready." I replied simply.

With that said, the man passed Kyle the money as his father looked on.

"Its a done deal. Enjoy." Kyle stated as the man took a hold of my hand and ushered me to the front door.

What was going to become of me now???

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