I'm not the liar now

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Kokichi POV

   I hid the knife under my bed and hid the cuts under my sleeve. I open the door to Shuichi. I  immediately close it. "Oma open up please", he whispered through the door. "I-I can't". I replied.  I don't want him to know i'm cutting myself.  "Can we just talk Oma please", Shuichi pleaded. "Fine, but give me a second", I said. I ran to the bathroom, to clean the blood and find bandages. After finding the bandages, I rap them around my cutted wrist.I then pulled my sleeve down covering my arm. I opened the door. What I didn't know and I didn't think he knew that someone was following him. I closed the door and locked the door. "What are you doing", he said panicking. " There was someone following you and I don't want them to come in and kill us", I whispered. He said OH in response. " Oma, soo umm- do you like me, like more then friend?", he asked me. I nodded my head and looked down. "Why are you looking down?", he asked. "I tried doing something horrible to you", I said in shame. "Were you thinking about doing dirty things with me", he said softly. It's so hard not to kiss this hot ass.But I have to tell the truth. "I do, think about doing dirty things, and i'm really sorry", I replied embarrassed.  *KOKICHI IS SITTING ON HIS BED BTW AND SHUICHI IS STANDING AT THE END OF KOKICHI'S BED*  "Oma it's okay", Shuichi said. "No it's not, I almost fucked you right there in your own room", I admitted. He just laughed. "What the fuck are you laughing about?", I asked getting a little angry. "Your not the only one who wanted to fuck me", he laughed. "Shuichi it's not a laughing matter", I said worried. " I know and early, I umm, kinda lied to you", he said.

    "How, and about what?", I asked. "About being NOT GAY", he said lowering his voice.  For me being the lie spotter I didn't think he was lying. "So are you gay?", I asked kinda confused but excited if he is. Shuichi comes up to me on my bed and whispers in my ear ," I was in love with Kaede,but shes gone and you might have been my second option. Unless your lying". " You think i'm the lair, you lied to me, the lying god",I said a little frustrated. There was then a big bang on the door. In panic, Shuichi grabbed my wrist with the cuts and pushed me under the bed. I wanted to scream from the pain, but Shuichi told me to be quite. Before I knew it my head was on Shuichi chest and the door flew open. Shuichi kissed my forehead which made me blush. "Oma don't make me catch you cutting yourself again", he whispered.  "Where are those dipshits", I heard Miu say from above the bed."They might not be in here 0w0", Angie obviously said."No I watched Saihara~Chan walk in here", Maki Said.

     I look up at Shuichi. He looks down at me with a smile. I kiss him. feeling his lips make me not want to let go. He kissed back right away. The bed was removed from covering us ,but we kept are lips together.


I'm sorry, take me back (Suicidal Kokichi x Shuichi) ⚠ Spoilers for the game  ⚠Where stories live. Discover now