Am I dangerous?

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Kokichi POV

     Me and Shuichi were still lip-to-lip. Exposing both of us to everyone, luckily we still had clothes on*Insert smirk face*. "Ahh, what the fuck is this gay virgin shit", Miu said in a disgusted tone. Shuichi released me from his lips. " Everyone don't freak out", he said as if I was a dangerous animal. "ShuShu what's going on?", I asked him being really confused. "Just don't move or they'll hurt you", he said. "Why are you protecting that psychopath, he tried to rape you and also laughed when Kaede died", Kaito argued. "You don't understand that's not what he was trying to achieve. He-", Shuichi stopped and looked at me. "So your saying you told a lie that he wasn't going all sex seeking horny yandere on you?", Miu said. "You told them about what I-", I started but he interrupted saying,"I didn't mean to". At that moment I couldn't stand to be in there.

    I ran out of the room, and went to the kitchen. Grabbed a small knife and unbandaged my bandages.  I started cutting myself. I couldn't help myself, despair already took over. Blood started dripping onto my pure-white pants. The door flung open. I threw the knife at the person who opened it. Lucky for me they missed it because, if it him I would kill myself right there. "I'm so sorry ShuShu", I said. He came up to me and grabbed my wrist. He looked at me concerned. Then kissed me, hell motherfucker, I kissed him back. It ended up us making out. He started pulling done my pants. I pulled out of the kiss to say, "We can't do it here", I said. "Oma they'll kill you if you go out there",he said. "Am I dangerous?", I asked. "If you were I wouldn't want to fuck the crap out of you, now would I", He said using sense. That made me blush.


I'm sorry, take me back (Suicidal Kokichi x Shuichi) ⚠ Spoilers for the game  ⚠Where stories live. Discover now