Keebo's discovery

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Shuichi's POV

      I was panting as my body was on top of Oma's. He rapped his arms around my neck and pulled me into a kiss. He let go and said softly in my ear,"~that was fun~I love you a lot~". "So do I", I replied. "S-s-sorry that stroked your-", I started when I was cut off by Kokichi's lips."It's fine it felt~so good~", he said in seducive tone. I can't stand it anymore I want to go back in him, but I sadly can't. At least not now. I popped my head over the counters, to see the white headed robot. "oh, ah, Hey Saihara~Chan, I heard weird sounds coming from here", Keebo said as he walked around the corner to quickly turn back around. I started getting red because Kokichi and I were still exposed. "Keebo, this isn't what it look likes", I tried saying as I pullied my pants up. He was to pure to know what me and Kokichi were doing. "Hey Keebo, I have to ask again but, do robots have dicks?, because I think you might have a robot boner from seeing my Shuichi's cock????????" Kokichi said in a smartass tone."Wh-What, of course not I-I'm staright no-not g-gay, and that's ROBOPHOBIC too", Keebo said getting flustered. "Are you sure, because your stuttering a lot", Kokichi bullied. "Oma stop", I say blankly. "Fiiiiiiinnnnnnnnneeeeeeee", Kokichi said in a childish voice. "Anyway, Keebo are you working with the others to get rid of Oma??", I asked. "No not all, I was looking for you to so I can take you to Kaede's lab"Keebo said. I turn to Kokichi and say, " go get a wash towel and clean yourself up, and get your clothes back on". He smiled and did as he was told. "But, why are we going to Kaede's lab??" I aksed. "Because thats the only lab you could get into, and no one will suspect we are there", Keebo replied. For a robot he is pretty smart.

    Kokichi was ready, I kissed him on the forehead and we quietly followed Keebo to Kaede's lab.



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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2019 ⏰

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