The Awakening Begins

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[A/n:Heya Guys Welcome to the Sequel, so lets get this cleared up first. Accel World Characters are going to show up to help during the story, Kirito and Asuna are in their 40s, Yui is 20 years old, Neco is 15, so yeah.]

A Long Time Ago, In a Multiverse Far Far Away.

Sword Art Online:The First Order Attacks

Many years after the battle of Endor, peace has returned to the Multiverse. But a great evil has started to rise, thanks to the Republic demilitarization of itself. With Onao Calderon and Luke Skywalker missing, this evil has grown even more powerful.

Now a new team of Heroes shall emerge to fight this evil, and make sure that the evil is put back in it's place.

[Location:The Underworld, POV:No one]

In the land known as the underworld, a great evil has awakened. The ruler of the dark territory has decided to throw what was left of his humanity, to become a Demonic version of Kuroyukihime (Kuro for short) the Angel of death. Who was currently sprawled out on the ground, knocked out by the monster. Just as the beast was about to strike her, a voice yelled out from the Heavens itself.

???:Leave My Sister Alone!!!

As if on cue, a giant sword was thrust into the monster.
This blade belonged to The Angel Of Light, but it was being used by someone else.

Her combat name was Vabel the Twilight Witch, but her real name was Yui Kirigaya. She was The Angel Of Love.

Vabel/Yui: You messed with my sister, now get ready to die monster!

[Meanwhile In Saddida]
The land was scorched from the battle that was ensuring, a unknown ship came out of Hyperspace and began to open fire at New Saddida city.

[Meanwhile In Saddida]The land was scorched from the battle that was ensuring, a unknown ship came out of Hyperspace and began to open fire at New Saddida city

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Most of the people were killed, while the rest were able to escape. When the saddidian fleet arrived, the unknown ship had vanished. The Kingdom of Saddida were now on high alert, prepared to deal with the threat quickly.


Meanwhile on the planet of Jakku, in a small village. Two people came to visit the chief, they had heard a rumour that could give the universe hope.

???:So is it true?

Chief:Yes, this map will lead you to the people you seek.

???:Alex you know what this means right?

[Name: Alex Calderon]
[Description:Alex The Angel of light. He is one of the most powerful angels to ever exist, thanks to both Alex and his son Onao peace came to the Multiverse. But a few years ago Onao vanished, leaving Saddida without a king and protector. So Alex initiated the Sidonia protocol, and created the massive battleship Sidonia and it's battlesuits that rivaled
The V fighters.]

Alex: I do, the Universe has hope after all.

Suddenly a small Droid that looked almost like a ball rolled in, speaking little squeaks and whistles. Suddenly panic fell onto everyone's faces, they rushed outside to see several ships coming down from space.

???:Oh come on, now The First Order is here. What next demons?

With that several portals opened up outside the small village, and hoards of demons came rushing out.

Alex:Poe You Jinxed It!!

With that everyone in the village came out with blasters, ready to fight for their town. This gave time for the Heroes to try and escape, as they made it to Poe's X-wing the ships landed letting out the First Order's troops. Storm Troopers. All lead by a single silver Storm Trooper called, Captain Phasma, a skilled leader with a blaster.

Alex:Poe Get those plans to the resistance, hurry I will hold them off.

Poe:No I can't leave you behind, don't you want to find Onao?

Alex:I do but I must make sure that you can get those plans to safety, Sidonia is orbiting the moon so go there. Tell them Code: 1-4 is active.

With that Alex sprouted his wings and flew into battle, cutting down demons and Stormtroopers alike. He soon found himself stopped in his tracks by a unknown force, he turned to the a man in Black armor. In the distance he saw Poe escape into space, with that he was pulled to the armored figure.

???: Greetings Alex, I never thought I would get to meet the great Angel Of Light.

Alex:Well guess what, now you have.

Alex turned his head to see the villagers, they were all being grouped together in front of a firing squad.

Alex:Let them go, they have nothing to do with me.

???:Oh I think not, they will serve as a reminder to all who oppose The First Order. No one can win against us, and any rebels who think they can.

The figure raised his hand.

???:Will be crushed!!

With those words the villagers were gunned down, Alex nearly broke down into tears. But a demon came over and began to speak.

"Master Kylo Ren, this Angel has been a thorn in the NNU's side for years. Our master has ordered us to take him prisoner."

Before he could say anything else, The figure now known as Kylo actived a cross hilt lightsaber, it had a red blade making it intimidating. He cut the demon's head off, making the other demons run in terror.

Kylo:Now then, You will tell me everything you know about Onao Calderon and Luke Skywalker's Location.

At that very moment, Alex knew full well what he forgot years ago. What fear felt like.

End of chapter 1

Sword Art Online:The First Order AttacksWhere stories live. Discover now