The Mystical Blue Knight

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[Location: Sidonia][POV:3rd Person]

???:We have to rescue him!!

???:Hold your tongue, you have no right to speak yet visitor.

A figure stood before the council of Sidonia, he had been asked by Alex to join him. His name was Rex, he was one of Alex's oldest friends from before Alex met Onao. Standing next to him was a blonde haired boy, he wore blue armor covered in unknown markings.

???:I agree with Rex's statement, we must rescue Alex. Who knows what they are doing to him?

???: Council member Eugou, you and Rex make a good statement. But we must continue our mission, if we don't our king may be lost forever.

Eugou:Then send us, we can make the rescue and meet up with you guys at the Resistance base.

The council thought for a moment, they could send a small squad with them. But it could ruin their master's plan if they found out, so they called it to a vote. 3 said Nay, and the other 4 said yes, thus Rex and Eugou took off to go save Alex.

[Meanwhile back with Alex][POV:Alex]

As I broke out of the room I was held in, I decided to go undercover. So I knocked some poor stormtrooper out, and took his armor. Their ship was similar to a old Star Destroyer, it even had some old Ti-Fighters.
Wait Ti-Fighters? Perfect I can use one of them to escape, if I can pull this off maybe I can get to Sidonia.
Then I felt something tap the back of my helmet, I knew what it was so I raised my hands.

???:Turn around slowly, and no funny business.

I did as this person instructed, to see a man in front of me.

"What do you want? Are you planning on taking me in, or are you going to shoot me?"

???:No I'm going to help you escape.

[Location:New Saddida City][POV:3rd person]

The desolated land that was once called New Saddida City, lay in ruins after a unknown ship attacked laying waste to the city.

Thousands of people died in the attack, while the survivors were trying to recover. Many espers had sadly died in the attack, leaving the city mostly defenceless. But there was some hope left in the people, as they turned to Misaka for help.

She however was burying her adopted parents, who had died in the attack.

She felt as if she lost everything she ever cared for, her brother, her siblings, her father, now her adopted parents who took her in when she was little.

Misaka:what... Do I do now?

???:You can start by helping me.

Misaka quickly turned around to see a odd man.

Misaka:Who are you?

???:Oh forgive me, my name is Nox. I am a xelor, meaning I can control time itself.

Misaka had heard of the Xelors, they were a community who gave their bodies up to one of the Ancient Primordials. In return he gave them the ability to slow time down, practically making them Immortal. Nox was a big figure in the Xelor community, as he had designed a gigantic clock powered by a energy source called Wakfu.

But Nox was a wanted man (if you could even call him that) cause he tried to harvest the tree of Life, but was stopped by The Brotherhood Of The Tofu.

Misaka:Nox I have heard of you, what do you want?

Nox:It's not what I want, but what you want.

Misaka was stunned for a moment, but she pulled herself together.


A young girl stood alone, she had pearl white skin, a mixture of Orange and green hair, and eyes that were a mixture of white and blue. She was the daughter of Onao and Astralia, King and Queen of Saddida. Her name was Neco Calderon, and she was the princess.

Though she had Onao's personality, so she had no interest in being a future ruler of the kingdom. She always looked up to her father as a role model, her mother at first was not very supportive of her dreams. But she eventually came around, so she allowed her dream to become reality.

But now Neco was feeling a little down, ever since her father left to his "secret" place. She has felt alone, even with her birthday that happened a week ago. She felt there was a hole in her heart, one that longed to be filled.

???:Of ya keep looking down, you might now see where your going.

Neco looked up to see a man in armor, she couldn't make out his features but she knew who is was.

Neco looked up to see a man in armor, she couldn't make out his features but she knew who is was

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Neco:Uncle Astrub!!

[Data scan on Astrub Knight data recovered:Astrub Knight is one of Onao's oldest friends, he has been by his side since day one. The two at first hated each other's guts, but after Onao saved Astrub Knight he swore a oath to protect Onao and his descendents.]

Astrub Knight: Hello Neco, how have you been?

End of Chapter 4

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2019 ⏰

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