Heroes Begin To Rise

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[Location:Near The Moon Of Jakku] [POV:3rd Person]

The moon of Jakku, the one place many Battleships could go to hide.

One ship was currently hiding there, the great battleship known was Sidonia. It was created to find the King known as Onao should he ever disappear, Sidonia would be launched to find him.

Meanwhile aboard the First Order Vessel.

Kylo:Your resilient Angel, but sooner or later I will break you.

Alex:Your not the first to try and interrogate me, and you won't be the last. I won't tell you where Luke and my Son are, I'd rather die than rat them out.


Kylo actived his lightsaber and cut Alex's head off, Kylo looked at his work satisfied.

???:Is that all?

Kylo looked up to see Alex growing a new head, Alex was laughing at him.

Alex: Hahaha is that all? I am an Angel, that means I can regenerate any body part I need. We could be here all day, and you wouldn't be able to kill me.

Kylo started to hyperventilate, but he calmed himself by walking out of the room.
Then he began to slash at everything in the room, two troopers spotted then and backed off.

With Alex he just smirked, as while he was beheaded. His body had broken the restraints that were holding him down, he smiled knowing he could leave at anytime. But he wanted to see what the First Order was up to, cause before they had no interest in his son and Luke.

[Location:Ocean Turtle]
[POV:Hollow Onao]

"Get them out of there now, if we don't they will die!!" I yelled out. Fearing for the family that were hooked up to the Soul Translators, my family.

I feared that I would never see them again, due to the fact that someone had messed with the time flow in the Underworld. I looked longingly at a girl with long black hair, wearing a white dress.

"Snowflake.... Please... don't leave me all alone." I spoke softly, she was currently hooked up to a soul translator. All due to the fact a few weeks ago, while she and her family were on a walk home. They were attacked by XaXa the last of a group known for killing people who got trapped in a game, called Sword Art Online.

She nearly died protecting her mother Asuna, she and her father were poisoned by a drug. It stopped their hearts causing massive brain damage, I personally ordered them to be brought here for treatment. But I never told Asuna where I took them, but she found out real quick after she infiltrated the base. Soon she brought her other daughter Kuroyukihime over, they said they would bring Kirito and Yui back. So I let them dive into the underworld, now I was regretting it.

"Professor We couldn't eject them all in time, only the daughters were able to come back." Said a fellow professor, his name was Ozpin. Normally he was a teacher at Beacon Academy, a school known for it's education on fighting demons.

I ran over to the soul Translators, seeing that Kuro and Yui were waking up. While Asuna and Kirito stayed behind to fight a monster, giving the two time to come back here. But Kirito and Asuna would have to endure what felt like 200 years, a soul can only take up to 100 years of memories before it shatters.

When I told the girls this, they broke down into tears. I joined them, after all they had done for me. I was taken in by them when I was nothing but a monster, I was given a home, everything I could ever want. But now I felt as if I had to repay once again, so I quickly got up still in tears. And began to work towards saving their lives, I moved quickly to a console and began to type away at speeds I never thought I could reach.

I knew in my mind, that I had to save the two who took me in.
I actived the log out system within 1 minute, in that time 30 years had past in the Underworld. I rushed back to the Soul Translators to find the two waking up, behind my mask tears of joy came down my face.

"Welcome back guys"

[Location: Unknown][POV:3rd person]

???: have you felt it?

???: I have, there has been an awakening. What this awakening means is unknown Luke.

Luke:Indeed, but we must stay here and observe. If we interfere Onao, the timelines will collide like the Omni and Dark timelines did.


End of Chapter 2

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