part 2

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ethan: "uhh well grayson and i need to go, it was nice seeing you guys-"
vanessa: "yeah was nice too, well see ya soon" me and roni walked away to a coffe shop, we sat to our tables waiting for our drinks.

nessa: tell me the truth
roni: what?
nessa: what is it between u and ethan?
roni: w-what do u mean?
nessa: u are hiding something? Tell me, I'm your sister Veronica.
roni: *sighs* okay.. so what happend..

~ flash back ~
roni's pov;
it was the day I'm finally gonna leave,ugh this school is driving me insane. I got outside to greet my friends for last time, but instead i bumped into ethan. Yes ethan dolan. He was holding a rose, he has a girlfriend so it's probably for her, but he looked so hot damn , holy shirt.
As we standed up, we both blushed,he pushed me into a classroom that was the closest,i was confused. What is he gonna do.. i did like him but not as crush.
" t-this is for you" ethan said as he gave me the rose. I smelled it and i was so nervous.
" before... you... leaved.." ethan sighed when he let those words out.
" I'm gonna regret this " he continued
" wha-" i tried to say.. but... he pulled me close to his chest. He leaned in, our lips met, i was feeling like im dreaming,it was so passionate,i didn't want to stop but i had to.. he has a girlfriend at the end and I'm just a random girl kissing her boyfriend. I let go .
" i cant do that " i said as i let the rose fall down and ran away from him.
He followed me into our room, he grabbed my wrist and pushed me towards him. I still couldn't look at him so i just looked at the ground. He grabbed my chin and lifted it up.
"Im sorry,i don't know,why did i do it, i-im so sorry roni, please let's just forget the kiss" he said.
I just nodded as i sighed and grabbed my bags.
"Nice day" i said as i walked away from him to outside.
that was awkward, why- i mean i did like it, but was that too weird,i had that feeling the whole flight. After we landed me and ethan met up again. We made a plan like we were just friends. Trying not to make anything obvious or suspicious. I sighed and-

- the current time -
Nessa: and you guys saw us. Nice- but roni WHAT THE HECK!!! *nessa started to freak out and asking roni so much questions*
Roni: i know i know i feel bad but please let's not talk about it.
 We both agreed and went to home.

To be continued

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