Cinnamon and vines

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It was about 4 am when the man came back from his nightly stroll around the city . Today was the day he would be getting his shit together and start making his dream come true. His interview was still in a couple hours and so he pushed the creaky door open. He shuddered, entering the meager wooden studio. The vines mounting the outside walls were old enough to have seen the elders birth and their first kiss. The roof probably had too though that was slightly more concerning to him.

He fell in a worn out plastic chair, covered his face with his hands and moaned loudly from fatigue even if he couldn't fall asleep to save his life.

A mug of cinnamon chocolate milk was heated shortly later. He gathered the sketches he wanted to present, adding pencil strokes here and there, fixing details. He organized everything into a folder and setting it aside wondered what he would answer at the first most standard questions.

He contentedly drank from his mug,...his style was derived of futurism adapted to western cartoon, he rarely overdid things and deadlines were therefore not a common problem.

The time was drawing near and he had to bathe before leaving. He liked being submerged in warm water feeling like the pressure you would, being hugged tightly. But water can be terribly softer than human embrace often could.

He passed the front door half past eight so he wouldn't need to power walk to the building in that peculiar way that made your ass wiggle weirdly.

His confidence and preparation melted once he reached the glass doors introducing the modern building. It was very tall, the glass walls made the prism luminescent moreover all the men were dressed in business suits and the ladies in slamming heels. He felt exposed as if he had just walked in naked as the day he was born with his run down jeans the rips widen from the years, old converse and band T-shirt. If he had to choose one of many comparison it would be of a goblin going through the elven court walking by Galadriel.

Because of course the guy climbing on the elevator with him just had to be a walking sex dream. Now after 31 years of painful existence he had seen his fair share of different people in all shapes size and flavour and truthfully some had a pretty pink cherry on top but this one could just fuck standards right in the ass.

The ting sound and the swift motion of the doors calmed him down a bit because it was one of the few things here that seemed familiar enough to not freak out over.

He disliked social gatherings but at least those had in general a specific purpose. Just being with someone without any determined goal was way more awkward because there are very little ways to hide your inexistent social skills, like talking with a reasonable amount of coherence in his case.

The elevator was just one of those delightful moments.

"So...hum nice suit, i see everybody got the memo."He glanced up to blurt it out

The man looked surprised by the sudden words but nevertheless chuckled at the comment.
"Indeed, and you must live under a rock then, is that it?" he shot back amused.

"Almost a perfect guess," he laughed nervously 

The taller man smiled but didn't add to the conversation and the metallic space fell into silence.

They stopped and the second man got off waving shortly and the doors closed once more.

"Well see you around I guess Mister-too-sexy-to-talk-to-people-on-elevators." He muttered frustrated." Next I'm gonna develop an elevator complex, God this is lame."

Sing the words people are afraid to say.

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