Cool air and Warm milk

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The end of summer wind was blowing on the way back to his old studio covered in vines. He didn't mind the soft breeze blowing on his head, it was helping him clear his mind of all that happened today. The sweat was already drying on his skin, he would have to take a bath when he arrived. Grey covered the sky announcing a rainy night. Those were his favorite nights and the only ones he could sleep some.

After so many years of sleeping two or three hours per night, he had dissociated from the feeling of being rested and it didn't bring him as much satisfaction anymore. But rainy nights did wonders to his tensions levels.

He slowly climbed the creaky stairs leading to his front door. He felt dizzy each time he walked up the familiar wood plates like they could always cleave under his weight but hanged on by sheer will. After all the view was quite nice from up here.

The worn out wood panels made it look like an old shack but it kept warm in the winters and was right in the breeze for the painstakingly hot summers.

Before he stepped in he heard a car door clacking and a sweet voice thanked the driver. The taxi drove off and a girl stayed on the concrete a damaged leather travel bag in hand.

She took a step on the wild flowers where used to be clean grass. They made a long eye contact before the awkward silence broke.

"Hello!!" She waved excitedly from below.

He hesitantly waved back unsure as how to deal with the situation.  He hadn't had a neighbour in what seemed forever. The bottom studio had been emptied after the old lady that lived there passed away a few years back and no one had taken her place. He was almost sure no one bothered changing her old wallpaper, it had truly been the awfullest thing he had ever seen on someones walls and he had dated a hunter.

"How are you doing Mister Mysterious?"She yelled to be heard over the wind.

Well he had to answer now didn't he? He realised he had been staring in his moment's indecision and he didn't want to come off has creepy when she had just arrived. By  her clothes he already knew she wasn't from around here, no one dressed that colourful or that good for what he thought of it. Except maybe elevator complex guy but he highly suspected that was more due to the body than the clothes. What did she just call him?

"Mister Mysterious really? How original of you" He asked back.

"I know right, dark and handsome you only missed the tall part," She shot back" don't let that distract you from the real question."

"I'm deeply offended of all my 5"3 inches of being," He scoffed "and what was the.. Oh yeah I'm doing fine for once."

"Why? What happens usually" She asked again. She just couldn't satisfy her curiosity and besides questions were one of her strong points, it'd be a shame not to use it.

"Look this is dandy and all but I'm exhausted so if we could do that neighbour shit later that'd be great." He puffed and went back to turning his key in the rusty lock. His back to the door he slowly slid down to the floor.

He only realised in the protection of his little kingdom how stressful it was to be around everyone. It amazed him how some could navigate so easily through the world bouncing from person to person. 

Over the years he learned to defeat his inner turmoils but fears even defeated stay by your side like battle scars.

So he stayed down a little while longer. The cool floor sent chills up his arms, the silence was like a mother's embrace to his senses. He slowly pushed his body up and walked off to the small kitchen to make a cup of cinnamon chocolate milk.

The warm beverage never failed to cheer him up and like on cue the sky rumbled raindrops splattering everywhere.

He slid open the balcony door letting the wet smell surround his thoughts.

" My universe was born in your eyes and my paradise in your kiss"

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