Walls can be used in creative ways

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He heard the second ting and took a deep breath. He walked off the elevator and searched for the room the front desk had indicated. His portfolio clenched in his hand he knocked on the transparent door.

The woman inside waved to him and he came inside. She seemed reasonably friendly but his previous discomfort had grown and he wanted to punch the wall until it stung enough he would think of something else. The others would think he was mad way before talented, honestly he had more chances to end up in an asylum than to get this job.

He was already in front of the wolf and he could only fight for himself.

"You must be Mr. Trask?" She politely asked.

He opened his mouth but she continued,"I'm going to be honest it's rare to see someone of your age and experience apply for this position."

"What do you want, not everybody has my luck." He finished.

Surprise was written on her face but it quickly morphed into a knowing smirk.

"So I trust you already experimented on the ups and downs of working in collaboration, yes?" She confided looking in his eyes for confirmation.

He nodded and without further complications he opened his portfolio and presented various artwork he had done or participated in.

He had worked majorly with magazines especially kid or teen oriented as the ones destined to adults partnered the most with photographs and celebrities.

He had also done comic book covers, illustrations, novel first and back cover as well as designing the characters and complete story boards of multiple comics. Some albums but those were a rarer.

An hour later he closed the portfolio and laid back in his chair.

"This agency finds artists for commissions and projects of other companies so I think you'll need my number and email address so here-"He took a nearby pen and scribbled numbers on a loose paper sheet-"you go and that'd be it for me or do you have further questions if not I'll take my leave."

"It's all good on my side, when can you start?" She questioned

"Already?"He smiled

"How many persons do you think walk through my door with this much solid experience," the woman rolled her eyes in exasperation " I don't know if it's because you have no sense of business or just an imbecile but nevertheless your work shows distinct and  gigantic improvement over the years and I'd be the imbecile if I didn't hire you, so I ask again when can you start?"

"Next week," he finally answered.

He left the room without hurry until he was out of site from the desk and the lady behind it. He barged in past the familiar metal doors, bumping into a hard but warm surface with a known scent of man cologne.

"Well isn't it stone guy," he laughed innocently his eyes shrinking from his lips quirking upwards.

"Well you should see a lot more of me around here unless you keep calling me that and I get kicked out for being a drug addict," he pointed out with a shitty grin.

"You're kidding I could mistake you for the wall." He defended himself

"How unimaginative, walls can bu used in many creative ways." He winked "So typical of today's youth."He shook jokingly his head.

"You say that like you're in your thirties or something!" He countered offended.

"I'm thirty one..."he sighed.

"No way man, I mean Sir but you look twenty five well a very tired twenty five but still a twenty five." He approached his face with furrowed eyebrows.

"Rude much and yeah I know." He raised his shoulders " That's my floor, see ya."

The doors slid open and he walked past his new acquaintance of the day.

" You left like I was never a reason to stay"

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