Ch 1: New Lands

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-Emerald Forest Cliffs, Ruby's POV-

I was waiting to be launched while Jaune tried to ask his question. Soon I was flying through the air. I took a deep breath and sighed. Just then a bright light engulfed everything making me hit a bird. "BIRDY NOOOO!!!" I used Crescent Rose to grapple onto a tree. I looked around and continued my way towards the ruins.

-Deep in the forest, Doom Slayer's POV-

I groan and slowly get up. I looked for the VEGA chip only to find it crushed in my hand. I growled and tossed the fragments at a tree. Wait...a tree?! Where the hell am I?! I looked around and took a few steps around. Just then I heard a loud growl and turned to come face to face with a large wolf like creature. It lunged at me and I dodged out the way, reaching for my super shotgun only for it not to be there. Oh for fucks sake. Well guess I'm doing this the old fashioned way.

I stood still and cracked my knuckles. It leaped again and I punched it twice. It died and I looked at my hands. These things must be weaker than the Possessed. A loud scream echoed out and I ran in the direction it came from. Soon I saw a girl with armor running from a giant scorpion with a yellow stinger. A boy was holding onto the stinger yelling. "THIS IS NOT A RELIC!! NOT A RELIC!!!" The kid yelled out. I jogged after them so I wouldn't outrun them. They led the way to a small set of ruins with other kids there. A girl in a white dress was falling from the sky. I climbed a tree and leaped out to grab her. She looked at me and I growled softly. I landed with a thud and the words 'impact compensation' appearing on my HUD. She tried to get out of my arms and I grunted at her. She stopped and a bullet ricocheted off my shoulder. I looked at a girl with blonde hair. Her gauntlets were smoking like she shot me with them. Gun fists? That's pretty sweet. I set the girl down and turn to the giant scorpion rapidly approaching. I stomped and grabbed it by the claws, causing me to slide back a few inches.

"IS THAT GUY SERIOUSLY HOLDING OFF A DEATHSTALKER?!" One of the girls yelled. I growled and headbutted it, causing it to screech and stumble back. I walked to them and gently pushed them to go. The boy from earlier spoke from a tree.

"Little help please?" He asked and chuckled nervously. I kicked the tree lightly and he fell onto my shoulders with a yelp. I rolled my eyes and followed the others. I tossed the kid to the red hair girl and growled. A loud bird like screech came overhead and I looked up to see a massive bird launching feathers at us. I tanked them and ran to the kids. At least I still have the Praetor Suit. I grabbed a stone pillar and threw it at the bird making it wobble and crash into the cliffside. I then turned to see the kid, the girl with red hair and two others fighting the Deathstalker, I think. I cracked my neck and charged at the beast at full speed. I rammed into it and it flashed orange. GLORY KILL. I climbed onto the creature and ripped its stinger off then slammed it into it's back, punching it deeper. It dropped dead and faded to dust. I dusted my hands off and looked at the kids, seeing them resting on the ground. At least they're alive. Can't have more innocent blood on my hands. I then looked at the giant bird getting decapitated by the girl in red. After that they all ran up to me and started asking questions. Either they were naturally short or I grew substantially in hell.

"Who are you? Where did you come from?" The red one asked many questions after that. The blonde pulled her back.

"Ruby! Careful! You saw what he did to that Deathstalker! We can't trust him." I growled and crossed my arms, slightly offended.

"Well he did save my life. Thanks by the way." The white haired girl said to which I gave a thumbs up. I heard a little music box song playing faintly so I followed it. "Hey, where are you going?" She asked and I held up a finger. I followed the music to a hollowed out tree and looked inside. There in the tree was a Classic Guy figurine. I picked him up and moved his hand up a little then fist bumped him. I then put him in my warp pack and returned to the group.

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