Ch 2: Settling In With Misfits

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-Doom Slayer's POV-

After the team assigning ceremony, I was walking with the group of kids from the woods. Apparently my dorm was next to Team RWBY's. Ozpin really has no imagination but I'll admit, the acronyms were clever. I looked at my dorm door and tapped my chin. "You good, big guy?" I heard the girl named Yang ask. I nodded and typed on the tablet.

Not used to having my own place. Plus haven't slept in a long time.

They all looked at me and tilted their heads. "How long is a long time?" She asked and crossed her arms. I let out my growling laugh again and typed my answer. If I told them, they'd probably die from the shock.

A REEEEEEALLY long time.

"So a few years?" I nodded, going along with it. I then felt someone pushing me and turned my head to see Ruby pushing on my chest. It was cute, seeing her attempt to move me. Then it got annoying so I picked her up by her hood.

"Go sleep! You'll damage your brain!" She said and patted my helmet. I actually think she was hitting but it wasn't really working. I set her down and patted her head, typing.

Alright. Good night, guys.

They all said good night and went into their dorms. I entered mine and scanned the room. One bed, dresser, closet, bathroom, bookshelf, TV set, and a desk with what I believed was a computer. I approached the desk and placed my helmet on it. I set my shotgun on the dresser and stretched. The tablet was placed next to my helmet and I walked to the bookshelf. I pulled out Classic Guy and set him on the shelf, hearing the music box again. I sighed and continued removing my armor, each piece hitting the floor with a thud as I walked to the bed. Naked or not, I was actually tired. I laid down and closed my eyes. I waited for sleep to take me to the dream realm.

Visions of fire and bloodshed greeted me along with the head of Daisy. Flashes of me killing demons and Samuel saying shit came to me as well. I jolted awake and gripped the bed. I realized I'd been sweating and growled as I got up, heading for the bathroom to take a shower. Turning on the hot water, I waited and looked in the mirror. I looked at my chest and scars. Guess I was really fit and never noticed it till now. Hair and facial hair are kinda growing, gotta get them cut someday. And damn was I hung. I had to at least be 14 inches. I chuckled to myself and got in the shower. I washed myself and sighed as the hot water ran over my body. It felt good. Better than demon blood at least. After a few minutes, I got out and wrapped a towel around my waist. I walked out of the bathroom and found a folded up uniform on my dresser. Really?! This motherfucker is making me attend classes? Damnit. I grabbed the pants of my armor and put them on, then a white T-shirt that came with the jacket. Rolling up the sleeves on the jacket, I pulled the Praetor suit gloves on and grabbed my helmet. I grabbed my tablet and shotgun, putting both in my Warp Pack.

I walked out the door of my dorm, putting my helmet on and seeing my field of view expand. I walked down the hall then stopped when Ruby and her friends rushed down the hall. I looked at a clock on the wall and saw the time. I shrugged and ran after them, soon passing them.


"Holy crap he's fast!"

I heard them saying as I slowed down to a light jog. Turning a corner I nearly ran into a guy close to my height. I double jumped over him and kept running.

-Timeskip Brought to you by Chibi RWBY and JNPR chasing Chibi Slayer to class-

I reached the first classroom and slid to a stop. An old guy with pot belly and weird mustache looked at me, smiling. "Ah, mister Blazkowicz. Good to see you here. Please take a seat anywhere." I looked at the rest of the class and walled to the back. Taking a seat, I heard the bench creak a little causing me to cringe. Guess I was heavier than I thought. I saw some girls staring at me and wave nervously when I looked at them. I waved back a bit and saw them giggling. My dossier then lit up when I looked back at the old man. Professor Peter Port, huh? Sounds interesting enough. Soon enough, teams RWBY and JNPR arrived when the bell rang.

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