December 25, 2019 Christmas Day (Kaleidoscope Ending)

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I woke up in my bedroom, I walk to living room, I open the present. Then I opened it, Cordian surprises me. I see he's got present for me. I only got mysterious note, it says,

 "Wow. I'm impressed! You did a lot better than I did.

Hopefully your memories didn't get too mixed up down there.... never hurts to check if anything has changed.

Say hi to Cordian for me. Unit next time..."

I accept Cordian's Gift. Cordian said, "Knock knock." I response it with ,"Who's There?" Cordian answered, "Me," I demended it, "Me who?" Cordian answered, "Me...."  Tong's music as its camera down to Cordian.  Then Cordian spoke, "Me Love You! Hahahhhahahaha!"

That's all the End!

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