Chapter 2

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Well, no one is reading this shit so idk if I should keep going or just well fuck it
No ones pov
Izaya woke up an hour after he had come home. he sat up and yawned and walked to his closet, he took his normal clothes on and went downstairs."It's raining" he said to himself. As he sat on his couch with his knife in his hand. The tears slowly running down his face. He pulled up his sleeve and cut his wrist until the blood was rapidly dripping down. He slowly let the blood drip down while crying. No one heard him and no one knew. He didn't bother banding the wounds but instead just letting it stay open until it stopped if it ever would. He stood up when he heard footsteps outside his door. He blicked once and the door was shattered, again(now I'm just thinking about how many times he has shattered the door). it was shizuo.

________________________________________________________________________________im gonna leave it at this. I'm too tired to write any more right now. bye, bye, my humans.


will you love me? : Shizaya.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora