chapter 6

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"Shizuo," Shinra said quietly.

"What! How!!??" I asked wondering why Shizuo would want to take care of me.

"Well, I kinda paid him to do that. Anyway I need to give you some pills if that's okay with you?." he asked while looking down at his notebook full of doctors notes ." what kind of pills are they" I questioned.2There just antidepressants pills, oh and you'll be staying att Shizuos house" he said as he gave me some pills and told me to take three every day." Shinra can I also get some sleeping pills?" I asked wondering if maybe it could help with my insomnia " sure, but why" he asked curiously" just give me them" I said. he nodded and went out of the room. when he came back he held a bottle of pills " here" he said and walked out.

Thank god he's gone. I put the pills on the bedside table and looked at my bandaged arms. I started to unwrap them slowly and when I saw what was under my stomach turned. there were old blood and scars under. it looked horrible. I quickly bandaged it up again and carefully stood up, using the wall as support until I reached the door slowly opening it to see a fake blond outside the door"u-umm hello shizuo" I said quietly and quickly." lets go" he said and I nodded and went back into my room to get my jacket and the medication." ah, Shizuo you have to go back to Izaya's place to get his clothes and other stuff, okay, don't forget!. shinra said from the kitchen. I saw Celty come up to me and write something on her PDA" you should be care full you're wounds haven't heald yet" she typed. I nodded and followed shizuo out the door. he walked really quickly and I couldn't really catch up. '

We arrived at my place and he quickly walked in and walked into the elevator and clicked on a button. the door almost closed before I could enter. I looked up at shizuo. He had an annoyed and angry expression. the elevator stopped and we went out. we went straight to my room and opened the door. it was empty. I quickly went to my room and opened my closet full of clothes and took out my suitcase that was in my closet and packed it with clothes and went to the bathroom and took my toothbrush and toothpaste. I zipped up my suitcase and rolled it over to where shizuo was standing. The suitcase was rather heavy and I was really weak so I was hoping shizuo would carry it because he was strong. but he just walked out and of course, I followed him out and into the

(outside walking to Shizuo's place)

I tiredly walked after shizuo with the heavy suitcase."u-um shizuo could you um help me carry the suitcase its kind of heavy." I said quietly"no carry it yourself just because you're weak doesn't mean I'll care about you" he said in a cold voice as he walked
Time skip
We were almost at Shizuos place. My arm are tired and he's walking to quick. I slowly saw shizuos apartment and where we reached it he unlocked the door and went inside.
Sorry for another short chapter I hope you all enjoyed it.

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