chapter 7

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We walked into the house. Me barely making it into the house before Shizuo slammed the door shut." you're sleeping on the couch " he said in a harsh voice" And go take a shower you stink" He said and glared back at me. I nodded as a reply and placed my suitcase in the living room and taking out some clothes and going into the bathroom.

I looked around seeing a shower and a sink with a cabinet mirror and a toilet.
I sighed and turned the shower on so it would be hot when I got in. I slowly undressed and looked in the mirror "fat." A voice said in my head. I shook my head and stepped into the hot shower. The hot water stung on my wounds on my arms but I ignored it.
(10 minutes later)

I stepped out of the shower and grabbed my towel and dried off. I put my new clothes on and held the old ones in my hand. I walked out with my hair messy and wet. I saw Shizuo cooking and it smelled nice"wonder if he's cooking for me too, "I thought as sat on the couch drying my hair with the towel.
Time Skip
I heard a plate being placed at the table and I turned my head to see Shizuo sitting at the table eating. "Don't tell me you thought he was gonna cook for you?" the voice in my head said. " what, no. Get out of my head" I whispered. I stood up and walked to my suitcase trying to find something. " ah, found it" I whispered to myself as I went to the bathroom not seeing Shizuo a glare at me.
I walked into the bathroom and locked the door. I lifted up my sleeve to reveal serval cuts " Do it"the voice said as I took the sharp object near my wrist. A tear ran down my face as I dragged the knife on my arm quietly whimpering and crying.
The blood dripped down leaving a puddle of blood in the sink. I couldn't hear the footsteps outside the door until I did hear a knock followed by a cold and harsh voice " what are you doing, flea?"I heard Shizuo's voice outside the door. I Quickly panicked. "n-nothing," I said quickly as I searched the cabinets for a first aid kit. "open the door flea," He said in the same harsh voice. I found the first aid kit and open it and began tending my cuts. " I said open the door flea!" he yelled. " U-Umm in a minute" I stuttered out in a hurry. I heard a sigh from the other side of the door I thought I escaped. 

Until the door shattered 

"The fuck, Flea!"



Sorry for the short chapter. i hope you enjoyd the chapte. im working on chapter 8 now so i hope you'll enjoy the rest of the fanfic. Bye bye my lovley readers.

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