Making You Feel Special[Ashton Irwin]

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It was your birthday, you've never really had a great one anyway. Why would this be any different? You actually saw your mom for the first time in four days, but it was for only an hour. Luckily you and Ashton had plans. Ashton had made "reservations" at the local diner, but you have to make it special, right? 

Ashton came and picked you up after you had saw your mom. You went and ate dinner. Ashton and you went up to your room and you don't know what came over you but, you leaned in and kissed him. He kissed back, feeling the passion you put into it. You pulled away and said "Thank you for making me feel wanted today."  You looked down and blushed. 

He lifted up your head and gave you another breath taking kiss and one thing led to another and clothes started falling off. The little kiss turned into a hot make out session, not even holding back. It was slightly sloppy, but enjoyable. Ashton managed to put a condom on and the next thing you know he was in you. 

Ashton turned, smiled, and said, "You're welcome beautiful. I love you, will you be my girlfriend?"

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