Chapter 1 - Introduction Into Life!

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"Okay that's enough for tonight." I yawn into my mic. "I'm sick of hearing your stupid voices." I laugh, thinking of how I've sat here for hours without a break from these three idiots, my best friends.

"Oh! What a loser!" Carter shouts, clearly disappointed. "Can't even stay up past 8! Weak my dude!"

"Boo!" Both Luke and Alec start to caw.

"Real mature." I roll my eyes. "You forget who edits your videos AND draws your thumbnails. If you want them done I've got to start now because I have 8 different things to work on, not to mention I have a flight in the morning. Pax? Remember?"

"Oh yes!" Alec says excitedly. "But speaking of thumbnails can you put Mr Captain Jack Sparrow in mine please?" I think back to our Sea of Thieves session last week when Carter did a perfect impression of Johnny Depp's, Jack Sparrow and wouldn't stop harassing us with it.

"Fine." I sigh. "But you better remember to fucking pay me this time!" I say angrily, earning chuckles from the other two. 

"I won't forget this time [Y/N] sweety! Now bye bye my lovelys!" He says before leaving the discord.

"Want to go for another round Carter?" Luke asks. "I'd offer you another [Y/N] but you're off, right?"

"Yep." I answer. "I'll talk to you guys later. Bye!"


I leave the discord and lean back in my chair, rubbing my eyes before staring at the monitor. Lifting my arms above my head for a good stretch, I hear my back pop. Nice.

Attention back on the computer, I close discord, open up PowerDirector and open the file for Alec's unedited video. He's got about 5 hours of footage here and he wants me to trim it down to his best highlights and funny skits. He expects no more than 30 minutes of edits. Thanks Alec.

"Here goes nothing." I whisper to myself before I dive into my sea of work.

                                                                                             * * * 

Three hours later and I'm about ready to drop dead. My back aches, my fingers hurt and my head feels heavy. Stretching, I get a few cracks and pops, good but not enough to fully relieve the pain as a good nights sleep would do.  

Yawning, I reach for my phone from deep in my pocket. Unlocking my phone, I'm greeted by myself and a lovely Great Dane, my gentle giant, Larry. I smile to myself and open up Twitter. A tweet from VanossGaming pops up. 

Pax in 2 days! Get ready Seattle!

'Okay, one update before bed.' I think to myself, chuckling as I start to write my tweet, the words forming fresh in my mind. 

So hyped for Pax! Can't wait to see all you awesome people! My flight to Seattle leaves at 7:45am! XD ;D

It immediately gets attention with likes and comments but with that done, I set down my phone and begin to shut down my PC, not before saving all my important files and copying them to my trusty pink USB stick. 

With a little effort, I push myself up from my desk and proceed out the door, yawning. I have to keep one hand against the wall to guide me because my house appears pitch black. Feeling the rough paint of the walls I slowly shuffle towards my room. One photo frame, two, three, turn to the left then one more photo frame and bam! There's the door. I feel around for the door knob, which is unusually high. Gently I turn the cold, metal knob and push the door open, wandering  into my large and somewhat empty room.

Not bothering to turn on the lights, I stumble over to my dresser and start to ruffle through the top draws, all the while slipping out of my current attire. Finally, I find a long, comfy pair of grey sweats and a dark singlet to change into. Afterwards collapsing onto my big four poster bed, where I lay and almost immediately start snoring into my pillow.  


A/N - Welcome to the new story! I'm super excited to get into this and have so many plans that I hope you guys enjoy. The first few chapters might be a bit short but that's just so we can get into the groove of things. I'll also try to update every 1 or 2 days.

I hope you enjoyed.

Leave a comment and vote if you're up for it and I'll see you in the next chapter!


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