Chapter 4

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"YOU FUCKING IDIOTS!" Selena screamed.

Madeline felt the fall seem endless.

She screamed as she fell rapidly past the by the boys' shoulders .

Then their chest.


Then finally she hit something. It was Selena!

She ran from Lou's hand, landed safely on the ground and caught the frail girl.

"Selena!" Madds said hugging her sister tightly.

"Fuck Madds you-"

"What does fook mean?"

Selena blushed when she realized she had cursed infront of her sister.

"I mean fudge. Fudge."

"Where!?" Madds asked her eyes searching. Selena practically mentally facepalmed.

Selena started running, carrying her lightweight sister with her. The teen panicked as the boys started going after them.

She picked up the pace, but unfortunately the boys were faster with their height advantage.

Niall picked them up as Selena gulped. She backed up holding her sister. "What do you mammoths want."

Niall looked hurt for a second before he regained his strong face.

"We don't want to hurt you guys, we're curious." Michael said shrugging his shoulders.

"Dang pipsqueak you're sassy. I admire that."

Selena blushed and scowled at the same time. That's when the boys heard a knock at the door.

"Shit hide!" That's when the boys hid the girls. Michael was told to put Selena in the cabinet while Rylie hid in Ash's hair.

Niall held Madeline in his huge hand engulfing her. She was small enough to fit in one.

The door opened as Liam and Harry walked in.

"Hey guys! Luke and Zayn went to go buy the pizza- Niall what's behind your back?"

Niall nervously chuckled, carefully holding Madds.


Harry's suspension raised and Liam's brows raised.

"I know that face," Liam drawled. "He's hiding something."

Niall scoffed. "Hidin' something from you guys? Pfft naw! Nothing!"

Everyone in the room mentally facepalmed, except for Madeline who was currently finishing the rest of the gummy bear and chewing her hair. 

"Definitely hiding something." Harry said.

Harry smirked suddenly, getting an idea.

"I know how to get it off him..." Harry spoke with an evil grin.

The tall British curly fry took a step forward as the small Irish blonde took a step back.

They did this until Niall's back was against the wall with nowhere to go. That's when Harry lunged forward and attacked him with tickling.

"WEAKNESS!" Harry yelled tickling Niall to death. Niall cackled and laughed as his face got red, but would not let go of Madds.

Rylie watching the whole thing from Ashton's hair almost screamed seeing her sister in that position.

Selena gasped from the cabinet.

Niall dodged Harry's grabs, unfortunately at the end Harry pinned both of Niall's arms down.

"Liam open his hand!" Harry shouted.

In the meantime Calum had walked in shirtless. "Liam where's my shirt?"

"In the cabinet." Liam responded walking over to the struggling Niall.

"Thanks..." Calum said looking over at the weird scene that was happening in Michael's bedroom before opening the cabinet.

Selena panicked and tan into the colossal grey shirt to hide.

DANG IT WHY DID I PICK THE SHIRT!?! Selena questioned as Calum picked the shirt up and closed the cabinet.

Selena gripped onto the shirt as Calum put it over his head and slipped on.

She was practically drooling over the fact she was next to his abs. Her inner fangirl took over as she screamed "OH MY GOODNESS ABSSSSS!" and touched his stomach. ( A/N: Sorry M lol ily )

Calum started laughing as she accidentally tickled him and fell to the ground.

Selena yelped as her body was thrown forward, sliding down.

When she opened her eyes, she looked around and realized she was on Calum's neck. Selena turned and saw a hand reach for her.

Unfortunately it didn't miss and Calum's hand grabbed her.

....At the same time that Liam opened Niall's hand and saw Madeline.

Screams were heared as Calum, Liam and Harry saw Madds and Selena. 

Selena gasped and fell out of Calum's grip onto his shirt as he stood up.

Madds backed up into Niall's palm from the sudden screams.

Rylie just watched from Ashton's hair.

Everyone was speechless.



- Marceline (rosepetalluke) ilygsss

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