Knives and Necklaces

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"I'll just follow you and you can show me to the room, I'll get my shit." I say blindly.

Jordan picks up some of his blades and hides them in items of clothing.
"One rule." I say as I stand up and get a small blade myself. "Do not touch the necklace."
Jordan looks up at me for a split moment and nods quickly in a military response. Before turning back round to his attractive collection silver knives, Jordan takes a step back towards the sofa and cocks his head slightly to side- not breaking eye contact.

'Hey, what is up?' His eyes subtly glow as his face softens. I stand up straight realising I may have let me guard down temporarily and that he may have seen me zone in and out of my own brain; especially after the momentary insanity in which I witnessed a collection of random photos I suppose are from the dark crevices of my empty memories.

"Why? Do I have to smile all the time for you to assume I am happy?" I attempt to naturally throw at him, though I realise now that it probably seemed like I was trying too hard- oh god I'm useless.

You're supposed to be good at lying Skylar. I'm not sure exactly why, but you're supposed to be. Get it together for fuck sake.

"No, you just have that face." He responds- eyebrows raising in expectation and arms crossing over his body.

My eyes dart away from his face to avoid elongated eye contact before I look back at him standing tall and unmoving.

'What face?' I quickly reply.

'That one.'

'What one?'

'The one where you seem on edge and you're constantly thinking about something or another. It's like this face of self reflection.' He pauses before smiling and saying, 'Honestly it's probably about puppies you can purchase when you get out of here but I'm still going to ask if you glaze over my orders of what's going to happen when we leave this room to retrieve your necklace.'

I breathe in slowly. How does he know me that well? We have spent around a week together and he's reading my facial expressions like my mother.

'Fine.' I decidedly give in to his kind questioning. 'Earlier, while you were in the shower, I had flashbacks of things and I'm not sure but-'

Jordan's face changes expression immediately after the word "flashbacks" before quickly finishing, 'they're your memories,' in a soft but proud tone. 'Why do you think you're getting them back now? Do you know what causes them to return? What were they?'

I move my shoulders back and lift my arms up while slowly shaking my head at the overloading of questions fired at me. 'Whoa there, buddy. How about we go one by one.'

Jordan shrugs his shoulders and in response, I roll my eyes and move towards him to sit on the sofa which sits patiently behind his towering figure.

I place my elbows on my knees and my chin on my hands and I watch him bend down to sit beside me. 'First of all, I don't know how they're coming back, what caused them to come back or why they're coming back in the most annoying and dramatic fashion known to man.'

Jordan moves a curl which had fallen over his eyes and scratches the back of his neck while waiting for me to finish my sentence: 'But they were fucking weird.'

Jordan looks back at me- his eyes beckoning me to carry on and I oblige.

With many exaggerated hand gestures and immense detail of every scene, I explain what I saw.

'The first one was like a cabin and it looked like it was about to break but it also looked like someone could live there, I don't know it was like it was from a movie.' Jordan nods, eyebrows raising and falling depending on his interpretation of the images I present to him. 'It was surround by some forest and there were some trees and they was enough to hide the box, but it wasn't enough to make it a struggle to walk through.' I pause for a second, remembering. 'Oh, and there was a boy: dark black hair that was mildly curly, good jaw, brilliant shoulders...'

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