Blondie and Baldy

27 5 2

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hi, angels.
I definitely didn't take way to long too publish again :))) Anyway, this was my first fight scene so no judgments pls. Also, make sure to vote and comment, love you guysss <3<3<3

I place one foot over another in the manner of a predator edging closer to its prey- its reward. Each step is carefully positioned behind Jordan's after every movement. First, the heel with a very light connection with the floor. I roll over to my toes which lift me a few inches away from the floor where making sound is almost inevitable.

The floors don't creak but it isn't loud noises which are our main concern, it's where we step.

You remember that crazy psycho Lady called Celeste?

My right hand hovers near my hip so if necessary, I have easy access to the blade concealed beneath my baggy top. I avoid directly placing it on the weapon in case we are seen: declared guilty of only 'boredom'.

I tense my neck as my eyes dart around the corridor in a carefully calculated manner. My feet automatically follow the exact same pattern as Jordan's, so I only pay attention to our surroundings.

The walls are white: decorated with morbid photos of wars, deceased solders, demons, the elements and their leader: Celeste. We pass a few doors similar to that of Jordan's so I make the safe assumption that Jordan is not alone. That there are others blindly following a violent leader due to their lack of a moral compass.

And lack of attention.

Similarly to J, my shoulder is barely brushing the walls on my left to take up a minimal amount of space in the corridor.

I wonder how long it will be before we get to this place of stolen goods.

Jesus, I regret not paying more attention to the moron when he was giving me instructions earlier.

First I look behind us. I clarify that there is no one on our tail. I look from the ceiling, to the wall and to the floor- a full circle, and before moving forwards.

I assure myself that I can tell the difference between the shadows created by my own horrifically imaginative mind, and actual, living humans.

Or robots.

This bitch probably has robots just for clout.

Either that or because no human can even begin to stomach her.

I mean either way, the only way you will find me with her is if she's too distracted to be speaking. In that case, I will be completely sure that the words out of her face are dedicated to my name and moans only.

Jordan takes a final step before passing quickly and breathing in- I follow suit.

Both of our ears prick up at the light taps of soles on the same floor we both can too easily be founded upon. I stop breathing as I take another full circle observation- we are completely exposed.

J turns his luminous, green eyes towards me and his curl bounce, both startled and fearful of being caught.

The steps, while still soft and soundless to the ears of any other human, cause our ears to prick upwards. Sccanning and deciphering the number of people walking directly towards us.

Realising there is no where to hide and that we are unable to communicate what we must do, I register what we do have.

Knives. Ability. Fantastic looks. Motive.

Jordan's right hand slowly lifts grabbing my attention. Four of his fingers are lifted to alert me and his left hand moves towards one of his five knives.

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