New to Him

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"Ed come look."You'd been pestering him to join you at the window for the last five minutes but he was too occupied on his laptop, his socked feet propped up on the coffee table. When you glanced over your shoulder at him he brought his blue eyes up from the screen, the light reflected in his glasses."Babe I've seen the wind blowing plenty of times," he said, choosing to stay put on the sofa with his red Beats headphones draped around his neck.

"But this is a really bad storm," you countered, looking back out the window straight across from where he was lounging, "oh shit that tree is definitely gonna come down at some point."

Ed chuckled when you got distracted by the weather but still clicked away on his Mac. He'd been spending a lot of his free time working on his new music, and though you supported him and his work, it got to be annoying on the only nights you had together. Of course he wouldn't spend the entire time on the computer, but a good chunk of it.

"Fine," you finally sighed, walking over to the sofa and plopping down hard beside him, "you're so boring when you're working."

Ed sighed when you rested your head against his shoulder.

"No offense. I guess."

You knew he'd eventually stop working and the two of you could at least watch a movie together, but for the time being you were bored just sitting there beside him, your head pressed to his shoulder.

"Your hair smells good," he said out of nowhere, his voice a little raspy since he'd previously been so quiet.

He was always throwing those little compliments at you, whether they were about your hair or what you were wearing and it was so sweet the way he'd do it when you least expected it.

With a smile you gave his arm a gentle rub before the wind came blowing hard and rattled the windows. The storm had been expected since the beginning of the week and Ed had previously asked if you wanted to be locked in with him, since he was off, or was supposed to be, and he wanted to spend time with you. Of course you agreed and the two of you went out to gather supplies for the storm, like candles and batteries for flashlights in case of a power outage, and of course plenty of food and snacks.

"What are we gonna do if the power goes out?" You asked him and he shrugged with his mouth in a pout before he seemed to have some sort of epiphany.

His blue eyes lit up and he smiled wide.

"We could do a round of Nerf. In the dark," his teeth showed with his happiness while he looked to you, "that would be sick."

The last of his words came out with his eyes pinched in excitement, almost as if he'd sneezed without actually sneezing, that cute little smirk playing out over his mouth once he waited for you to respond.

"I want you to really think about what you just said, and then imagine yourself running around in the dark," you said, "you're blind as it is Ed, that would end badly for the both of us."

He laughed it off and eventually nodded in agreement, turning his attention back to the computer screen.

"Would be fun though," he said softly.

"It would be. But I had something a little in mind."

Ed laughed a little under his breath when you brought your hand to his thigh, rubbing a smooth circle over his leg.

"You're a lovely distraction, you know that?"

With a proud nod you brought your hand to the side of his scruffy cheek and gave it a soft pat.

"Yep. And in fifteen minutes I'm throwing this computer into the damn storm."


The wind howled while rain pounded the roof and windows. Ed had finally turned off the computer nearly a half hour later than you'd wanted him to and given the dark clouds and the time, the room was growing dimmer fast.

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