Taste (part 1...?)

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His tongue is cold from the ice in his rocks glass and sweet, like citrus. His hands cup your jaw with more pressure than you’re used to. He’s tentative at first, breath shallow in his chest. Your heart is pumping, too. This wasn’t what you’d had in mind at the beginning of the night, but no matter.

It wasn’t planned, but you really aren’t totally surprised that you’ve ended up here. In a way, the entire night had been leading up to this. The three of you had been out at a birthday party, laughing and drinking, dancing the night away at the rooftop bar, enjoying the beautiful weather. And flirting. There had definitely been flirting and each delve of his tongue into your mouth is pulling you further down the rabbit hole.

And you’d be lying if you said you’d never thought of Harry that way.

The familiar scratch of Ed’s wiry beard as he kisses down your shoulder blades snaps you out of your reverie. Holy shit. This is actually happening. You reach back a hand, running your fingers idly through his cinnamon curls, getting lost in Harry’s kiss again.

Fingers on your chin are pulling your face back, breaking the kiss. Ed’s mouth crashes into yours; desperate, almost as though he’s staking claim to you, reassuring himself.

You pull back. “Teddy. Hey...nothing happens unless you’re okay with it. We can stop right here.” You’d known he’d be… territorial. It was part of the allure for you, if you’re being honest. But you hadn’t expected it before things really got going.

“Absolutely, mate. Your girl, your rules,” Harry chimes in. “If you’re not into it…”

“No, it’s not that. I’m - I’m into this. I’ve just never... ” Ed looks down at your hand in his and then back up, blushing a little. “...two dudes. But it’s… it’s kind of hot, innit?” His free hand cups your jaw, pulling your face back to his as his lips ghost across yours before turning you back to Harry.

Ed’s hands are on your ass, pushing you up off the sofa and into Harry's lap. “Go on then, love, give him a proper snog.” He sounds more relaxed now. H doesn’t skip a beat, immediately pulling you onto his lap so that you’re straddling his thigh, bare but for a pair of black cotton boxers - not unlike the ones Ed wears.

You gasp as he pushes his thigh snugly between yours, his hands pulling down on your hips. They instantly start to roll in time with his kiss. Each pass of his tongue in your mouth leaves your core grinding down over the black ink on his bare thigh.

A peek through fluttery lashes exposes Ed next to you on the sofa, still in his boxers as well, his his rainbow colored torso a striking contrast against the dark grey sofa and Harry’s black and white ink, one stroking his visibly hard cock through the thin fabric.

Your heart is beating in your throat, every nerve in your body firing at once. This is so… taboo - nearly naked in another man's lap, a foreign tongue in your mouth, the unmistakable dampening of your panties… while your boyfriend watches, touching himself.

There's a tightness in your chest that forces you to break your kiss.

“Tha’ feel good, pet?” H drawls in your ear, hands still anchored firmly on your hips. The truth is, you’re not sure how to answer. It feels bad… but in the very best way.

You crane your neck to see Ed, and his lips are on yours before you even see it coming, really. His possessive kiss emboldens you to take what you want from both of them, moaning openly into your boyfriend’s mouth while you rock faster over Harry’s muscular thigh.

“Come for us, darlin’,” Harry whispers against your cheek as Ed continues his assault on your mouth.

You couldn’t defy him if you wanted to. Your fingers bite into the flesh at the back of Harry’s neck, your back arches and you climax with his words still ringing in your ear. Come for us.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2020 ⏰

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