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I was getting real annoyed. Lisa was blabbing on and on about how she hates our new song, creep. She hasn't told me why yet. Ever since we recorded the song, she has been talking shit about it. "LISA! MAY I KNOW WHY THE HELL YOU'RE AGAINST CREEP?!" I yelled. Lisa jumped slightly and cleared her throat. "T, the song talks about cheating on a man who cheated on a woman. The message should be about the woman telling her to leave the man. I do not agree with this. We are supposed to send a positive message out there. Not a negative message. This shit is negative. Imagine what moms are going to think of this. This is YOUR story, T. I do not approve of this at all." Lisa rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. I could not believe this girl. She is acting like a real fucking child. I sighed and rubbed my nose. "Lisa.....this is a positive message. I mean, we wouldn't want women depressed because they feel they aren't good enough for men. I mean-" Before I could finish, Lisa threw her hands up. "You know what? I'm sick of this bullshit. Y'all want me in this video? Okay, I'll be in it." Lisa turned around and walked out of the room for a second. When she came back, she had black tape over her mouth. "What the fuck are you doing?!" I asked and raised my eyebrow. This girl is crazy. Lisa didn't say nothing but roll her eyes and her neck. I shook my head and crossed my arms. Rozonda walked over and looked at Lisa and at me. "Um...why is she wearing tape over her mouth?" I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know. All I know is that if she's wearing this black tape over her mouth, I'm not doing the fucking video." I shook my head and walked away.


Why is Tionne acting like this all of a sudden? We should be sending a positive message out to everybody but she wants to send a negative message. If we do this video, which I guarentee we aren't...but if we do, I'm wearing this black tape cause I don't like the message behind it. I just shook my head and watched Tionne walk away. I took the tape off my mouth and shouted at her. "Yeah, run away from your problems. That'll really solve them." I put the tape back on my mouth and and started tapping my foot with my arms crossed. I felt Ro tap my shoulder and I looked at her. "Why are you and T acting like this all of a sudden? Y'all used to be the best of friends..wait no. Y'all are girlfriend and girlfriend, basically. You two were so close. What changed it?" I looked down and thought about it for a minute. I took the tape off my mouth and looked at Ro. "I'll tell you. Tionne is wanting to put a negative message out there for us. Plus, she's being childish. You saw what happened. I tried reasoning with her but she wouldn't cooperate so I just left it alone. When she starts acting like the mature woman she says she is, then maybe things will change." I rolled my eyes and shook my head. Ths is too fucking much right now. Rozonda groaned, threw her hands up and walked away. Great, now she's walking out too. We are supposed to be a group, but I can see imma have to go solo on this one. I put the tape back on my mouth and walked to my dressing room.

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