Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Mana woke at the sound of a familiar voice. She was in total shock to what she was seeing, especially when she saw the woman placing a plate on the table before her. It was a plate of onigiri.

"You fell asleep, Mana... are you sure you're alright?"

"Oka... san?" Mana mustered up to say.

Mikoto had a confused look, she placed a hand on Mana's forehead.

"You don't have a fever, are you sure you're alright?" Mikoto asked, worriedly.

"Mana, if you don't feel well, you should stay home, don't push yourself." A man came to the table and sat at the head of the table. "I'm sure your team would understand if you don't make it for today's mission."

"Oto-san?" Mana said as she stared at the man before her. She was in total shock, her parents were alive! And their house – their childhood home, it was there, down to every detail to how she rememebred it.

"Mana, you're worrying me." Mikoto said as she sat beside her daughter. "Anata, maybe we should bring her to the hospital."

"Don't worry, Oka-san," Sasuke came, he sat across her. "I'm sure she's just nervous with the Chunin Exams coming."

Mana was loss for words. She couldn't understand how this was happening. This wasn't a memoryit couldn't be since she and Sasuke weren't children, they were at their present ages, and their parents were alive!

"Imouto, you left this in my room, you don't want to forget that, don't you." A hand came and handed Mana a Konoha headband.

Mana looked up to that person. Tears threatened to fall.

"Itachi-niisan." She said.

"Imouto, are you alright?" Itachi asked.

"She's just nervous." Sasuke teased.

"Sasuke." Mikoto chastised.

"It's the truth." Sasuke chuckled. "But Mana, you are acting strange – did that Sarutobi-kid do anything?"

"Sarutobi?" Fugaku asked.

"Hai, hai, I saw him following Mana around."

"Imouto, you're worrying us." Itachi said as he held Mana's hand.

"Nothing's wrong." Mana shook her head, tears fell from her eyes. "I'm just... I'm just so happy."

Silence came to the family. All of their eyes were on Mana.

"Well that's just weird." Sasuke spoke.

"Sasuke!" Mikoto said.

"Mana, tell us, what's wrong." Fugaku said with a soft tone.

"Nothing Oto-san." Mana chuckled. "I've just, never felt so at ease... it's been so long..."

Mikoto was about to say something, but Itachi motioned to her that he could handle it.

"Why don't you sleep, Imouto." Itachi said. "When you wake up, we'll be here."

Mikoto brought Mana to her arms and lets the girl's head lay on her lap, as she swept Mana's hair in a soothing motion. Mana struggled to keep her eyes open, but her sleepiness took over and the last thing she saw was her family looking down at her with a smile on their faces.

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