Chapter Forty-Eight

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After the battle, everyone watched as Shou and the creature be sucked into the crack that was created by Yatagarasu in the Tower, and be sealed completely by the fallen debris, never to be opened again. To keep it safe, Yamato sealed the whole area, so no one could open the Tower again. With the amount of time they had left, everyone climbed down the mountain, Mana was carried by Sasuke the whole time, knowing that the Seal has taken a toll on her body and that her vision was still blurry, while Itona carried Miwa, who too was exhausted with the battle. They arrived at the ship just in time before it left, the Captain did say that he was going to leave if they weren't back in a week, luckily, they got back just in time.

"I think it's good enough to say that it was a successful mission." Yamato said

"Good enough?" Mana chuckled. She didn't bother to look at Yamato, knowing that she wouldn't be able to see him properly. "With that shit, it's more than 'good enough'."

"I guess you're right." Yamato said.

"Anata." Konohamaru approached Mana, he wrapped a blanket over Mana and gave her some soup that the cook was handing out for them.

"Arigatou, Konohamaru." Mana smiled, caressing Konohamaru's cheek.

"Mana." Itona spoke, "What will happen to you? Your eyes, you're practically blind."

"Don't worry." Mana said. "Once the Seal gets the chakra it needs to heal my injuries, it can heal my eyes."

"Is that the price of the power of the Mangekyou Sharingan?" Itona asked.

"Hai." Mana nodded.

"Then you shouldn't be using it too much, you can't always depend on the Seal to heal your eyes... it could lead to some bad effects."

"Stop worrying like a mother, Itona." Mana smirked. "I'll be fine... a few days bedrest and I'll be on my feet again."

"I'll make sure that Kakashi doesn't give you any missions until then." Sasuke said.

"Sasuke-kun, I'm sure Kakashi-sensei would understand." Sakura said.

"Miwa." Mana called. "I want to ask you something."

"What is it?" Miwa asked.

"That jutsu you used on Yatagarasu... Kiritori-Gatana and Chidiro Nagashi... where did you learn that?"

Miwa smiled. "From you, Mana-san."

"How?" Konohamaru asked.

"I was there when you fought the Hachibi." Miwa said. "I saw you use Kiritori-Gatana, and I saw how you used Chidori Nagashi... I had a hard time when it came to learning Chidori Nagashi, but Itona taught me – well, he explained to me how you do it..."

Mana smirked. "I'm impressed."

"Uchiha Mana... once you get better, I want to challenge you to a fight." Miwa pointed her finger at Mana. "Itona spoke highly of you while we traveled and after seeing you battle the Hachibi and the Beast, I want to see if I can beat you!"

"But, Miwa-hime, you're the one that beat the Beast. I'm sure you could easily beat me."

"Iie." Miwa shook her head. "I want to fight you as equals. If it weren't for you and Sasuke-san, opening the Beast's chest, for Konohamaru-san and Itona holding it down, then I wouldn't be able to defeat it. So, when you get better, I want a match."

Mana smirked. "Since you know Chidori-Nagashi... when you learn Chidori itself, then I will fight you."


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