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This is a thank you from Mana, Shuuya, Itona, Suzuka (yes, her), Kazuto, Yuri, and Itachi, and I for reading MANA (V1 and V2) and for supporting it. Hope you like this New Year Special and hope you read more of my works that I will be publishing soon!




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A shinobi knelt before the Hokage, his head bowed down, face hidden behind a wolf kabuki mask, on his back was his ninjato, the shirt he wore under his vest had the insignia of a red and white fan, indicating the clan he was a part of. The Hokage eyed the young man with a strong gaze. No one was fitting for the job than him. One of the skilled shinobis of Konoha.

"Someone has come to Konoha..." The Hokage began. "We have no idea who or where he is from, he doesn't seem to give us any information about who he is but that he is a traveler and that he is staying in an Inn near where the Uchiha Compound stands. We need you to keep an eye on this man... he might bring danger to the village... or he could be after Naruto... if he plans to attack, stop him at once. The last thing the village needs is another attack. Do you understand?"

The young shinobi lifted his head to face the Hokage. From the eye-holes of his kabuki mask, his eyes shone red with a wheel-like pattern, its three tomoes circling the center.

"Understood, Hokage-sama."


"Oka-san, I'm heading out now!"

After grabbing his lunch, Sasuke ran to the front door and wore his sandals in great haste. They were about to have an exam in the Academy and he didn't want to be late. Once he got wore his sandals, Sasuke headed to the door and ready himself to bolt –


A high pitch voice caught Sasuke's attention. Turning, he saw a young girl, five years of age, standing before him, barefoot, she was smiling innocently while she held out her teddy bear towards him.

"Play with me?" The girl said.

"Mana-chan... gomen, but I have to get to the Academy." Sasuke told his young sister.

Mana pouted, she dropped her arms and lets them rest on her side, and her eyes down casted.

"Itachi-niisan, Shisui-niisan won't play with me, now you too..." Mana grumbled.

"Mana-chan." Sasuke sighed. He went to his sister and patted her head. "I promise, when I get home, we'll play."



"Can we play house?"

Sasuke hesitated. He hated playing house, he would play any game with Mana but play house. But seeing that he won't be able to leave until he says he yes, he reluctantly nodded. Mana grinned and wrapped her arms around his torso.

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