Donnie x Female Autistic Reader

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Requested by S203324 hope you like it!

Your POV:

      Just another day with me the autistic girl. No one knows that I have autism cause I hide it like a pro... Or it's cause I dont move alot. But I mostly can move my legs to walk, it just getting up from bed in the morning and night that sometimes wont work, my arms work like that to. But today I'm walking over to the turtles. It takes a moment but I take out my phone slowly and put on some music. I think about the one turtle I like out of that group the most....Donnie. Even though I dont move alot I still would try as much as I can go to talk or be near him. Today's another one of those days.

(Timeskip of you stuggling to get to the lair)

      Once I arrive I slowly turn off the music. And I put my phone away. Hearing my arrival I hear the turtles walking over to see who it is. They all see me standing there. "Hey Y/n!" They all say in unison. I try to open my mouth and speak but it doesnt work. I always feel so trapped in my own body. I just wave hi to them. We all walk into the next room to talk. The goofy and random conversation I usually hear that makes me laugh on the inside.

(Timeskip for me having to just sit and laugh a little for not being able to move like my thoughts do when the turtles joke)

Donnies POV:

      I see that Y/n came back for another visit. Oh my god I just love that girl. But she always doesnt really move and I get suspicious. I really hope what ever is happening it isnt bad. But after a while of talking and joking it was time for Y/n to go. We all say good bye and I see Y/n walk out slowly.

(20 minutes later!)

      I notice that Y/n left her backpack cause she came straight here from school. "Hey guys, Y/n left her backpack!" I said. "Could ya take it back to her Don!?" Raph yells to me. "Sure" I say blandly. But inside I was exploding with happiness.

Your POV:

      I took a shortcut down the alleyway and suddenly I'm forced against the brick wall of a building. I try and scream for help but my body doesnt litsten. I'm only able to stuggle. "Hey, Girl you gonna give me your money or your dead." The man says. My body, finally allowing me to speak lets me scream out, "HELP, SOMEBODY HELP ME!" I get shoved by the man on the ground. He hovered above me. "I'm gonna kill you now!" He says. Until I hear a thump from behind us.

Donnies POV:

      Im making my way to Y/n's place when I hear a shockingly familiar voice, "HELP, SOMEBODY HELP ME!" It was Y/n! I leap to the next roof top and look down. Y/n on the ground and hovering above her is a man with a knife. I jump down into the shadows.

      "Let her go before you do something your gonna regret!" I say angrily. I notice Y/n struggling so much to move. Is she hurt? "Oh and what are you gonna do about this." The man said turning around confused on who he is talking to. "This!" I yell as I pull out my tech bo, hit him over the head, and walk over to Y/n.

      I see her look up at me shocked. "How did you know I was here?" She said struggling at words and taking long pauses. "I was just going to give you your backpack." I say holding her bag up. She nods I look at her still on the ground. "Hey ummm, Y/n are you gonna get up?" Is say curiously. She sighs and looks back up at me. "Donnie, I have autism.." She says sadly looking away.

      I look at her unmoved. I still have the same love for her as I did in the beggining but it just grew more this time. I nod and pick her up. "Want me to fly you back home?" I say with a smile. She looks at me completely shocked. "Dont you think I'm weak and weird for having autism?.." She says confused. I look at her. "No Y/n you hang out with us and we are mutants, and I personally think your fine." I say blushing realizing what I did. It took a little but She smiles as I pick her up. I grab the backpack off the floor. And we fly back towards Y/n's house.

(Timeskip from both of you blushing while flying in silence! XD)

      Once we arive I open Y/n's window and walks in. "Hey, Y/n?.." I ask. She looked at me. "I have known you for a while and will you be my Girlfriend, I understand if you dont like me.." I look at her and she smiled. She opened her mouth but no words came out. She nods. "You mean the Girlfriend part?" I ask. She nods. I smiled and kissed her head. "Donnie you wouldnt mind staying over cause I'm still a little shaken about that guy?" Y/n asks. "Yes I will, I love you so I will protect you with my life!" I say happily.

( Timeskip When you both are asleep together cuddling!)

No Ones POV:

    After being together for a while Y/n was so happy she had friends and a boyfriend thet were here, and understands her. And as for Donnie, He loves you so much that no matter what happens he will be there every step even if you stop and dont move for a bit!

How did you like it I am still open for any requests you still got and sorry for being gone so long!

                                -Lovely tmnt


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