Mikey x Shy Reader

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Just to bring in some more love for the kind and artistic mikey!

Your POV:

      It's just another day with me Y/n, I'm the shyest kid in my school. I'm not the most popular but I have a good amount of friends. My best friend is April though. She is always there for me. As the day is over I walk out the classroom with April. She puts a hand on my shoulder. "Come on lets pay the brothers a visit!" She says with her never ending excitement. I blush a small blush as I think of the kindest sweetest turtle of the team. Mikey. Since I'm shy I get to nervous to be around him. I have to have someone else bisides the two of us be there or I will panic.

      "R-really I'm not t-that up to it!" You say nervously panicked. "Oh come one Y/n it will be fun!" She says in her happy motivating tone. I giggled and sighed "Ok April I'll go.." You mutter. "Then what are we waiting for? lets go!" April says as we walk out the building making our way to the lair.

(After walking with a very talkitive April for 7 minutes!)

      We arrive to see the brothers chilling in the main space. "Hey April!, Hey Y/n!" The turtles say in unison while walking up to us. "Hey Guys!" April says all excited. I mumble, "Hi..Guys..." They don't mind me doing that because I'm naturally shy. "Why dont we all sit down and talk? Its been a long day." Raph says. We all agree. We all make our way to sit down but Leo rushed by me. I fell and Mikey was close so I landed on top of him. Once we opened our eyes from the fall we were blushing dark red.

Mikeys POV:

      I fall over cause something landed on me but what I didn't notice was that the something was Y/n. I opened my eyes to see Y/n on top of me. I blushed a dark red because I have a crush on Y/n. My brothers know cause  when they told me they knew they said it was just because of how obvious I was to her. Well it might be true but I just like to help Y/n out!

      Anyways, back to now I see my brothers smirk and look at each other. "We are just going to let you be." Donnie says. Raph and Leo nod and leave me here with Y/n on top of me.
I see her get up and she has a very dark red face! I hope she's ok.

      "U-umm..Y/n are you ok? Your face is really red!" I ask putting a hand on her head wondering if she got hurt. But I think my brothers might have left

Your POV:

     He put his hand on my head! I thought as my stomach was doing flips. I feel my blush intensify. "Y-y-yes I-im f-fine!" I stammered. I mentally facepalm for being so shy. Like I said I cant be near him by myself. I realized I'm still on top of him. I got up and rubbed my arm. "S-sorry f-for falling on y-you.." I say looking down. "It's ok Y/n you just fell!" Mikey says with the smile that struck your heart.

      I notice Mikeys head perk up and him blushing madly as a result. He looks up at me and says, "Hey uhh..Y/n I have been wanting to tell you this for a while I understand if you dont feel the same way...but I like you! And I have for a while... If its ok.." I widened my eyes at this cause no one in school really cared about me alot because I was really shy. But April decided to me my friend and I was less shy to her. I smiled a small smile knowing he returned the feelings I shared to him.

       "I like you too Mikey...and I have for a while now. Thanks...for returning my feelings.." I say in a little louder tone than my shy one. He looks at me with his super excited face. I giggle and smile.

     He then launches at me and gives me a tight hug. "So does this mean you will be my Girlfriend!?" Mikey asks me excitedly. "Yes Mikey I would love to be your Girlfriend!" You say in a normal but excited tone.

     Mikey realised me from the hug and smiled. I leaned closer and pecked his cheek. He blushed kissed me back but on the lips. Since this has never happened to me I was shocked. But I gave in and kisses back.

     "Hey Y/n wanna see a piece of art I made for you?" Mikey says to me with a smile. "Sure! I would love too." I say.  I am excited to find out what he actually chose to make for me. He directed me to his room and I saw the most prettiest thing. Mikey drew an absolutely detailed picture of me and him hugging.

      I gasped and turned to Mikey tears of happiness in my eyes. "Mikey I love it its the most beautiful thing I've ever had anyone give to me!" I say in a happy tone. He looks at me and says, " If you want we can draw here together for a while." I nod to him and me and my love spend the rest of the day sitting and drawing pictures for eachother even if the art wasn't great.

No Ones POV:

     The three brothers feel happy that they helped their younger brother admit his love. And it was even better that it was returned. They are now eating pizza and joking around proud for what they did.

Hope you all liked it sorry it wasn't the best. Sorry I've been gone for a while school is a ton of work now. Remember if you have any requests I'd be happy to take it in for ya! Plus sorry if anything is spelled wrong I didn't double check over it. I know I'm stupid.

                                     -Lovely tmnt


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