The show must go on

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I the hopeless wanderer
Dragging on knees in the black road.
Today there are not much people that came for the show.
Life taught me that the show must go on no matter what.
People are gonna stare and they don't give a f***.
Seriously in the reality nobody really gives a f***
So keep the show on no matter what.

Uncle, instead of wings why do I have 2 scars on my back ?
They cut them without mercy when you was ready to fly.
An angel is supposed to fly, so why can't I ?
Why am I abandoned from the sky ?

I'm the famous girl with the scars on her back,
I'm the girl that people come to see in the show
While I'm suffering down on the cold floor
People applaud.
Have they lost their mind ? They or I ?
18 years since they cut my wings
And still I bleed, still haven't recovered from the pain.
People know and still applaud.
The show must go on.

Hopeless wandererWhere stories live. Discover now