Chapter 2: Yellow Sweet Pea Flowers

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The night after the feast, Billy sat alone waiting for Toad to arrive home. The feeling of worry tried once again to break him, but Billy kept it at bay by reminding himself over and over that Toad must've gotten distracted by flowers again. As the sun set and only a little sliver of light was still shining on the kingdom, Billy let his worries win and rushed out of the alleyway. He ran through the almost empty streets in a panic. He glanced around desperately for the small, brown-haired boy carrying a little bouquet of flowers, but he was only met with strange looks from townspeople. The sun was gone and so was Billy's joy. He stood alone in the empty streets and started to cry.

"I swear Toad, if you're picking flowers right now, I'll never forgive you." Billy claimed as tears streamed down his face and he struggled to breathe right.

"Wait, the flowers! That's right, he must be out picking flowers!" Billy shouted with sudden motivation. He ran as fast as he could out to the edge of town where the purple flowers grew. "He must've fallen asleep while picking flowers.... That little fool." Billy mumbled to himself.

After a long time of searching, Billy gave up and lied down in the grass. He decided that a quick nap would give him the energy he needed to find Toad. The distraught young teen closed his eyes, hoping to escape from the nightmare he was living.
Billy opened his eyes, but quickly squinted them when the sun rays hit his face. Remembering last night's troubles, he jumped to his feet and continued his search. Suddenly, Billy spotted purple flowers and was instantly determined that that was where Toad must be. He ran over, but quickly stopped in his tracks when he spotted blood. Billy's eyes unwillingly followed the trail of blood. Toad's body lay a few feet away in a patch of purple flowers. All the flowers around him were tainted red and the wind swayed them softly. Billy, in shock and without thinking, kneeled down in the flowers and looked down at his friend. Billy's tears streamed quickly down off his face and onto Toad's face, making it look like they were both crying. Toad's eyes opened slightly to reveal a warm brown color that matched his hair.

"Toad? Toad! You're alive!" Billy exclaimed happily.

"Hey Billy" Toad whispered back weakly. His eyes started to close again.

"Hey. No, no, no, no stay awake, Toad!" Billy gently picked up Toad's head and laid it on his lap. When he took away his hands, they were covered in blood.

"Billy?" Toad called out weakly to his friend.

"Yeah Toad?" Billy replied just as softly.
"I got you a gift as an apology for being late yesterday." Toad smiled slightly and lifted his hand a bit to reveal flowers.

Billy couldn't bring himself to say anything, but he placed his hand on Toad's head and softly ruffled his hair.

Toad smiled one last time, his eyes unfocused. His consciousness drifted away. Billy shook him softly. How could his only joy, his only comfort be gone? He released small gasps, forgetting to breathe as more and more tears rolled down his cheeks. Billy laid his head on Toad's still warm chest, hugging him for the last time. He looked up at the sunrise over the meadow. "You don't even get to see this, huh?" Billy's voice cracked. "Did you do this all for some...some fucking flowers for me?" Billy covered his mouth. That was the one thing Toad couldn't stand. He'd sacrifice his life for some stupid flowers, and not care one bit if Billy hit him, but he wouldn't be able to rest if he heard Billy swear. "Who's going to keep me in check now? Huh? You think you can just leave me now?! We promised we'd be here for eachother! We promised! We promi-" Billy sobbed as he held Toad's delicate hand with the wilted flowers. His hand was cold now and wet with tears and blood.

Suddenly, Billy heard a yell from behind him. "Hey, you there, boy! Won't you come help this old man lift this box?" Billy turned around, tears still staining his face. "What- what in tarnation!" the man suddenly exclaimed. Billy's eyes widened as he realized what this situation appeared to be to the old man. "Help! Help! There's been a murder!" The stranger ran to call the attention of others. Billy couldn't run, that would make him seem even more guilty. He couldn't just leave his best buddy here like this... But it was too late to make a decision already. Billy watched fearfully as a large group of royal guards approached, their shiny armor blinding with the rising sun.

Noooo Toad!
Thanks for reading! ;)

Sweet Pea Flowers= Departure, Goodbye

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