Chapter 13: Anemone

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"Mama, is he ok?" Albert asked, concerned.

"I don't know, Albie. I don't know." Mama Jo replied with some tears in her eyes.

"He been sleeping for a long time, Mama." Albert pointed out.

"His body and mind need to rest so let's let him be." Josie tried to guide her son out of the room.

"Can I give him a hug before I go?" Albert requested as he looked up at Josie.

"Yes, Albie, but make it quick." She allowed.

Billy felt his body being pulled into an embrace.

"That'll help him heal." Albert decided as he walked with Mama Jo out of the room.


"Can I give Billy the stick I caught for him?" Floyd asked.

The stick had some pieces of grass tied around it and a little smiley face carved into it
"Yes you may, but be quiet and careful." Mama Jo warned.

Floyd tip-toed over and placed the special stick beside Billy.

"I think he'll love it when he wakes up." Floyd commented with a small smile as he left the room.

"Yes he will baby, yes he will." Mama Jo assured.


"You best wake up, Billy. Ya a part of the Holeman Clan now and we don't leave each other." Karl tried to sound serious, but his voice cracked a bit.

He couldn't lose another brother.


Mama Jo sat on the edge of the bed. Billy slept peacefully, but Mama Jo still worried endlessly that he might need help at some point and she wouldn't be there.

She was losing sleep, but she didn't care.

She couldn't lose another son.


Billy's eyes opened slowly.

Gilbert Gus sat on top of him with a stick in his mouth.

"Gilbert Gus! Get off Billy, Mama said not to bother him!" Edgar whisper-yelled to his baby brother.

Edgar went to grab the four-year-old when he noticed Billy's eyes were open.

"It's a miracle! Gilbert Gus, you did it! You woke him up!" Edgar celebrated as he lifted his brother up in the air.

Hearing his twin brother's shouting, Desmond rushed in.

"Mama!" Desmond screamed.

"Shut up!" Karl yelled from across the house.

"I won't shut up! Billy's alive!" Desmond shouted.

"Billy's alive?!" Karl cried out with a voice crack.

"That's what he just said, stupid!" Edgar joined in on the yelling conversation.

"Quiet down, boys. Everyone out while I check on Billy." Mama Jo ordered.

Everyone immediately left the room.

"Hey Billy, you've been sleeping for awhile now." Mama Jo greeted him softly as she placed her hand comfortingly on his head.

Billy started to cry.

Mama Jo, without questioning the reason for his tears, pulled him into a hug.

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