Chapter 10: Frangipani

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Billy walked and walked and walked. The King had surprisingly let him do this mission alone, without any guard watching his every move. There was nothing left in this world for Billy except the flowers that filled the fields and his new friends in the dungeon, so there was no reason to run. His old home, the alley, could never be home again without Toad there. Billy shook the thoughts of home out of his head and kept walking. He was given a small bag, a bit of food, and a "new" pair of clothes which were just a faded white shirt and a pair of black trousers. He kept the ripped up black shoes Ms.G had given him on his feet. The two often fought, but once and awhile, they would give each other a sweet gift. Ms.G would give him shoes, food, or some winter clothes while Billy would give her rocks and...more rocks. Toad would join in and bring flowers for everyone and give them a special, sweet message. Billy cursed himself for once again letting his mind wander to his old life, his heaven.

Billy let out a big sigh, and kept trudging down the path. He had stepped out of the crowded center of the kingdom, and was now on a dirt road surrounded by farming fields. Every flower he passed would catch Billy's eye and he often found himself admiring every one.

He would soon enter enemy territory, and he knew he would not be safe enough to stop for flowers there.

After hours of trudging along the neverending roads, the sun began to set and Billy spotted a little farm in the distance. He approached with caution and hope; the inhabitants of the farm could either welcome him in kindly or shoot him down before he stepped on their property. Luckily, it seemed like the first outcome was already in motion. The door to the farmhouse creaked open and Billy held his breath. A woman stepped out and waved to him with a smile.

"C'mon in little traveler!" She called to him with a sweet voice.

With a sudden pep in his step, Billy waved back and made his way onto the wooden porch.

"Nice to meet you miss! I was wonderin' if I could stay the night." Billy gave her the charming smile he always used to give Ms.G.

"Oh! Of course! We already have food on the table and you can room with my boys." She offered and stepped back to give him an easy path through the door.

"We got a guest tonight!" The woman called through the house and moments later, rushed little footsteps filled the house.

The floor creaked as Billy swayed awkwardly side to side. He should've expected that he would have to socialize in order to earn food and shelter tonight. Six boys stood before him, all grinning like they hadn't seen another soul in years.

"These be my boys." The woman smiled proudly as she gestured at the pack of kids.

The boys stood in a line that Billy guessed was based on age order. They were all covered in twigs and dirt and Billy swore he saw the youngest kid chewing on a stick. It was a little creepy how all six boys had very similar features with brown hair and brown eyes. The oldest boy looked maybe a year or two younger than him.

"Introduce yo'selves boys." The woman urged them on.

"I'm Karl. I'm the oldest." The first boy announced proudly.

"I'm Albert, but Mama calls me Albie." The second boy spoke up as he tried to copy his big brother's confidence.

"I'm Desmond and this is my twin brother Edgar." The two identical boys stepped forward, and Billy immediately gave up on telling them apart.

"I'm Floyd and if you want a stick, I can catch you one." The second to last boy shared as he winked. Billy just nodded, completely confused.

"Gilbert Gus." Was all the last boy mumbled as he continued to chew on a stick.

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