Chapter 17: Yellow Chrysanthemum

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Billy entered the throne room back in Pratopia Empire. The sunlight lit up the grand room through the giant windows.

Ruth sat on the throne with the gold crown on her head.

"My Queen." Billy greeted with a small bow and smile.

"Billy, I am glad you could make it." Ruth gave a small smile back.

Alfie stood beside Ruth's throne, working as her personal guard.

Billy walked across the fancy carpet, the sunlight kissing his face with warmth. He kneeled down right in front of the few stairs that led up to the throne.

Ruth stood, her long black dress touching the floor and covering her feet. She gracefully approached Billy, and Alfie handed her a sword.

Ruth tapped each of Billy's shoulders with the sword.

"Rise, Sir Billy Francis Holeman." The Queen spoke calmly.

Billy rose to his feet, a sparkle in his eyes. He exchanged a few words with Ruth and Alfie then headed to his favorite part of the castle.

He entered the grand garden with a bright smile. He had immediately spoken with Ruth when they returned, and she agreed to the space being used as a garden. Flowers surrounded the boy. A small podium in front of him was where Toad's flower book lay for visitors to read.

Billy's fingers softly brushed over the words engraved in the podium.

Toad's Garden

Billy spent his days training to be a knight and sitting in the garden. He spent his nights sleeping in the castle, alleyway, or the Holeman's house.

Mama Jo loved when he visited, and the boys always begged him to tell them more stories of his adventures.

Ruth ordered one of the royal tutors to teach Billy to read so he could read the flower book over and over again. He knew the words so well now that he could name all the flowers in front of him. Toad's voice always echoed in his head, telling him the flowers' meanings.

"Billy? It's time." Alfie called from the entrance of the garden.

Billy just silently followed Alfie out to the town surrounding the castle. Ruth joined them on their journey.

They walked past giant oak trees where flowers finally grew. The last time Billy had walked this path, he was accused of murder and going to meet the king.

The three walked through the town. Alfie and Ruth stood outside the alleyway as Billy took in the sight of his old home. Memories flashed in his mind and he welcomed them. He grabbed the blanket, the one he had held Toad in, and wrapped it around his shoulders. The alleyway felt so empty without his best friend in it. He looked up expecting to see the stars for some reason. No stars filled the sky, only a shade of light blue.

He walked out of the dark, and continued down the street.

He stopped again and turned. Ms.G's shop.

No lights filled the shop and small pots of dying flowers filled the window sills.

He knocked on the door.

Ms.G stepped out. Her hair had greyed since Billy had last seen her. Her eyes looked tired and her face looked wrinkled.

Knowing how to cheer her up, Billy got on his knees.

"The cloudy sky clears up and brings with it the shining sun. People walk and talk on the streets of Prakar. The marketplace is full and so are the stomachs of the people around me. Oh, why must I be the only one to starve in such a prosperous place as this kingdom? Let the power of the Kings and Queens of this world find a way to bring me, a young poor boy, some food!" Billy proclaimed.

Alfie laughed joyfully at the act and even Ruth looked amused.

"I missed your dramatic poems." Ms.G smiled warmly with a new light in her eyes.

"I missed you, Ms.G." Billy jumped up and hugged the woman.

The boy and the woman both tried to stop the tears from falling.

"We can't keep them waiting." Ruth spoke up.

"Oh, yes. Come with us, Ms.G." Billy spoke to Ms.G sweetly.

Just happy to see Billy again, Ms.G followed the boy without question.

The four of them continued the journey.

They finally made it. The edge of town where the fields began.

Everyone else already stood there, knowing it was time.

John and Rob stood guard.

Theodore, Mama Jo, Karl, Alfred, Desmond, Edgar, Floyd, and Gilbert Gus all stood huddled together to comfort each other.

King Selvam and many of his subjects stood a bit off in the distance to show and give respect.

"After they arrested you, I came running this way. I gave him the best burial I could without his best friend around. I buried him right where he died and then made my way to the castle to protest for your freedom. He deserved to rest with the flowers he loved." Ms.G spoke softly as tears streamed down her face.

"Thank you, Ms.G." Billy thanked the woman who had been a mother to him since he arrived in the streets.

"Go on, Billy. Give Toad the goodbye he deserved." Mama Jo smiled with a tear-covered face.

Billy nodded.

The crowd of at least a thousand people who showed up to pay their respects to the little flower boy stepped back a bit.

Billy stood in the flowers, the blanket still wrapped around him.

"Hi buddy." Billy greeted as stared down at the little grave.

"Sorry I couldn't come earlier. I got caught up in a huge mess and made a lot of new friends. None of them can replace you though... I met your family during my travels. They are all so nice and they even welcomed me into the family!...They're here to say goodbye too. I'm glad it's nice and warm out here for you. You'll never be alone either with all these flowers keeping you company... Oh! I just became a knight! Dream come true, right? Doesn't really feel like a dream without you here... We made a garden for you at the castle. You would love it so much! Anyway, I'm gonna try to keep this quick because there are a lot of people here who are waiting to talk to you." Billy felt himself ranting about everything that had happened.

He was nervous. He had the little warm feeling in his stomach that always showed up and bounced around when he was with Toad.

"I..." Billy choked up as tears finally escaped his eyes.

"I love you, Toad. I love you more than flowers. I love you more than snow. I love you more than the fresh-made bread Ms.G used to give us. I love you more than the one blanket we shared. I love you more than the stars and moon combined. I love you more than the summer wind. I love you, Toad. I miss you and love you more than I could say. Now that you're gone, I'm gonna have to survive with only the memories of you in my head and the pain of your absence in my heart. I love you, Toad." Billy cried as he confessed everything that had been trapped in his heart.

Billy stepped back for a bit as everyone else said their goodbyes. The whole day passed as Toad's grave was visited by thousands of people.

As the sun set and everyone else left, Billy laid down next to Toad's grave. Billy made sure that the blanket covered both him and Toad as they laid together one last time. Billy watched the stars appear as new tears covered dried tears on his face.

Billy laid there.

Where his Toad used to sit and talk to flowers.

Where his pain and journey began.

Where his time on the streets became memories.

Where his best friend died.

Where Toad would sleep forever.

Where the purple flowers grow.

The End

Thanks for reading my book!

Yellow Chrysanthemums= Love

Where the Purple Flowers GrowTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang