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"Is everyone ready to go?", my voice was barely harder than all the people who were talking with each other. My name is Loris, I'm a 25 years old man who loves to be in the wilderness , around the animals and different plants. I have brown eyes, and black hair. I'm a bit skinny for my age, but not to skinny. The bus driver yelled through the bus, and everyone became silent. "thank you", I said as I felt how all the eyes turned to me. This was the first time I had to take a group of people on a safari. Of course I've been on safaris quite a lot, but I have never had the control of a whole group on my own. I have mostly done this with my friend Regan. But since he died I have to do this on my own. He was shot when he was hunting. One of the hunters saw him as an animal. I got to admit, he looked like a animal. But still, I mis him. He always talked a lot, and he made everyone comfortable. Everyone was still looking at me, like they expected from me to say something. I made some weird noises with my throat, and began to talk. "So as you know, we are going on an adventure today. We are going to ride to a place where many animals live. As soon as we get there we are going out of the vehicle, to look from a bit closer.". No one had something to say so we began to drive. I sat down and enjoyed the ride, while everyone started talking again. "I know you're having a rough time Loris. I mis him either, but we got to keep going". I nodded towards the driver. He was right, I had to keep going, but I couldn't just forget Regan. He learnt me all about the animals which were living here. He told me what they eat, where they live, and why. Because of him I'm doing this job. If he wouldn't have been there I would probably sit on a chair in the sun, doing nothing. The view was racing by. It was a bare desert, with so now and then a dead tree.

I immediately knew when we were there. I've been here for many times, and It's still one of the three places where I go a lot. It was a green place with a little lake and around that there were bare trees. The green plants could only live here because of the water, and that made the perfect place for animals to go. They had sun, shade, food and water here. That is all that you need when you're an animal. I stood up and started talking to the people. This time they were silent immediately. "Were are at our destination! We are going out of this car as soon as possible, but we got to tell you some things before we go out into the wilderness. We have to stay close to each other. If animals come you could be eaten". "yeh sure", I heard coming from somewhere in the car. "Well, I got you admit, you have a point there. I don't think they're going to eat you. They only eat what is nice, and you surely don't look nice." The people in the car were laughing, except for the one person who said it. It was a fat old man, and he surely wasn't looking good. The laughing stopped, so I could go on. "You got to look good at the ground, you don't want to step on some bones believe me. They're gross, and they make a lot of sound. You may scare of some animals, and that's not what we want.". The car stopped and I gave a quick look at the driver. "I think we can go out of the car". Everyone stood up, and they all wanted to be the first one out of the car.

We stood in the open sun, it was extremely warm. I was sweating, and I could see that everyone else did the same. We started walking and I started to do my usual talk about all the animals, and about all the plants that were here. Nothing new, just some talk that I had to do to earn my money. We walked and everyone was silent, just like I asked them. Everything went smooth, until we came to the lions. It wasn't the safest idea to look at lions, but I have done it several times already, so I didn't worry about it much. Everyone was silently looking at those magnificent creatures as one of the lions came towards us. The lions stood only 25 meters away from me as it gave a heavy groan. One of the tourist started screaming and running away towards the road we came from. The lion saw her as a pray and started running. "run!", I yelled, which was a bit unnecessary, because everyone was already gone. I started running either, to get to the group. The lion was was faster than I was, so I threw some stick towards the lion in the hope it would stop him. As I got to the vehicle I saw that everyone was already sitting, and it was driving away. They were going away without me! I started running after the car, but It wouldn't stop. I made signals with my hands, but there was no response. Except from one person in the back of the vehicle. It was a young boy who was waving at me, like I was a parent who came to say goodbye. It didn't seem like anyone else noticed that I was still here. Or maybe they knew. The driver of the car never really liked me. Maybe he left me here on purpose, So I could die, just like Regan. I wanted to believe that this was a mistake, but I just couldn't believe that. He knew I was with the group, and he just started driving. He left me here, with a lion!

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