chapter four

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I opened my eyes, and the bright sun was shining on my face. It was early, but according to the weather, it seemed like it was in the middle of the day. My throat my dry, and i was craving for something to drink. I tried to get up, but my leg didn't have the same idea as I had. I got up one centimeter, and fell down. If I couldn't walk to the lake, I would crawl.
It took much more time to get to the lake crawling than it did when I would walk, but I didn't have any other option. When I got there I let myself float on the water surface. I didn't care about the fact that I almost lost my leg here yesterday. I drank some water, and washed my almost dead leg. Due to the washing my blood began to walk through my leg again, and I got the feeling in my legs back. It began to hurt, but I didn't care about that. I rather felt pain than not feeling anything at all. When I cleaned my wound I got out of the water and tried to walk. I managed to walk back to the cave, but it took a long. I constantly had the feeling that my leg could fall off any moment, and that I would just lay down on the ground, dying. The cave gave me some shade, and I thankfully sat down. I knew that I couldn't stay here for much longer. I would starve to death if I did that. I had to find food, or I had to come home. Finding food sounded easier at the moment, and so that was what I was going to do. I was going to hunt something, since I still had the gun with me.

"He is going away", ethan said to George, but he didn't respond. "Wake up!". George didn't move and ethan decided to let him sleep here, and follow loris on his own. He didn't need George to keep an eye on him. He could survive on his own perfectly. Ethan knew that George couldn't survive on his own. He knew that George would starve the second he was alone. Ethan told himself that that was the reason why Hudson put them together, so he would be sure that George would survive. Hudson preferred George, he knew it. Hudson had never said it, but according to this kind of little thing he knew.
Ethan began to follow Loris. He kept a distance between them, so Loris wouldn't know that he was following him. Loris took the gun in his hand, and Ethan did the same. Loris didn't walk fast, and Ethan had to slow down regularly so he would walk next to Loris.

I took out the gun, and held it tightly in my hands. I had the feeling that I was getting followed, and I better be prepared. I didn't want some lion to follow me again, and eat me alive. I almost lost my leg, I didn't have to lose my live. I kept walking, and didn't look back. I didn't show any sing of weakness, or fear. Animals smelt fear, and I would get found as soon as my body shivered once.

I got to an open field, where some animals were eating. The whole picture looked miserable, but I could survive because of it. I had the feeling that I could easily kill on of those animals, and eat them. The only thing I had to do was to make a fire, and make the flesh edible. I walking towards a tree trunk where I could sit behind to make myself ready to kill.

Ethan was happy that Loris finally arrived at the open area. Ethan had to be very careful now. If he made to much sound, he would scare of the animals, and Loris would know that he was being followed. Ethan walked over to a place where no one could see him, and he looked at Loris. He was sitting behind a tree trunk, and it looked like he was mentally trying to prepare himself. Loris stood up, and Ethan watched him walk towards the animals. The animals stopped with eating, and they didn't move, in the hope that Loris wouldn't see them. Ethan turned his head around to see of there was anything behind him, when he heard an incredible sound that he would never forget. Loris was trying to make a sound of an animal, in the hope that the animals would think that he was one of them. Loris made the same sound, and began to something that looked like a dance. What was he trying? When you want to hunt something the only thing you had to do, was to not scare it off, and if I was one of those animals, I would have run away immediately. I didn't take long for the animals to run away, and for Loris to walk away.

Why did Regan tell me something that didn't work? Regan told me to do a dance in front of the animals, so they would come to me. When I saw the animals run away I knew that Regan had made a joke, and wanted to laugh at me. I walked away immediately, and was happy that no one saw that. It would have been embarrassing if someone saw that.

When I got back to the cave, I sat down and closed my eyes. I knew that I had fallen asleep, because as soon as I opened my eyes it was dawn. There were two feet standing in front of me, and as I looked up, I saw a man standing in front of me, who looked like he was used to live here. He came to help me, to get me home, at least that was what I thought. I quickly found out that it wasn't like I expected. He took out a robe and knotted my arms and legs together. I looked in his eyes, but I saw no empathy.

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