Chapter One

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"Hello, I'm Juliet Andrews as most of you already know," cringing out of my skin, I walk on stage to perform a speech I had not at all prepared for.

"I have been working here 6 years now and by now you will know I have been moved to the VIP section by Mr.Silverman - which was loong overdue if you ask me," Laughter fills the room from my sarcastic remark, smiling I proceed, "I just wanted to thank you all for being such great people to work with and I love every individual one of you guys, you make the workplace bearable and I just hope you all know I'm absolutely thankful. I'm pretty crappy at speeches so I'm just going to cut it right to the chase... have fun and drink up!" I cheered and everybody laughed and clapped at my sad excuse for a speech. I mentally scolded myself for my lack of preparation. I walked off stage to get my drink and sit by my best friend, Kyle who had a cheeky grin on his face - eyeballing up one of my colleagues. I roll my eyes. Typical, Kyle.

At some point in the night I lost track of time and had soon realised it was three forty am.

I was two hours late getting home!

He's probably not even home to notice anyway. On the other hand he could be... Whilst my brain thought it would be a good idea to go home now, my heart couldn't bare getting home and him not being there.

I decide to go home to avoid clashing or an argument with the husband. I love saying that. 'The husband'. A smile forms onto my lips as I grab my purse, phone and keys and head out of the hall. 

Hopping in my Tesla I'm on my way, blasting the heating.


Pulling up outside, hopping out my car and walking to the door, I begin fumbling with my keys forgetting which stupid metal thing was the right match for the door.

Finally I open the door, the stupid thing swings open and there I see Nicholas, my handsome husband on the couch with a drink of whisky in his hand, his hair dishevelled. He was seated on the large one seater sofa in front of our log fireplace which was providing the only source of light at this moment. I also noticed he was still wearing his work attire, though I couldn't get a full view of his face I could just see the back of him. I close the door as quiet as humanely possible, careful not to disturb him. Turning around I head toward the hard wood steps which were to my left, kicking my shoes off on the way.

"Juliet?" Nicholas' hoarse voice brings my attention right back toward him.

I turn to him, walking over to the fireplace to in front of him.

"Where have you been?" he asks rather accusingly.

"I was at my promotion party," it came out more like a question than a fact, "I had already told yo-" he cuts me off.

"Do you take me for some kind of idiot? I know you're seeing somebody else, for goodness sakes," he grits out, now looking up at me with anger clear on his face. He's drunk.

"No, I love you! You would be an idiot not to see that! It's only ever been you, Nick." Pushing back tears I look him dead in the face, terrified to where this was leading.

"You are never around anymore, Juliet..."

Pulling out his phone he shows me poorly photoshopped pictures of me with some random guy I have never seen in my life plastered all over the Arena News. I shake my head like a maniac.

I was so shocked I just stood there. It's clearly not real, does he just want to divorce me and move on? Did he do this?

Breaking me away from my thoughts, he answers my question, "I want a divorce." I look at him like he's gone mad.

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