Chapter Three

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"Hello?" He repeats.

Kyle motions for me to say something, shoving the phone into my face, I shake my head mouthing for him to end the call. He returns the head shaking and clears his throat loudly, making sure Nick hears him.


This time he knows there is definitely someone there and I decide to speak up before I look like a complete idiot.

"H-Hey, Nick it's um, Juliet." I stutter out, breathlessly. What else am I supposed to say?

The line goes silent before he hangs up. Oh.

Kyle bursts into fits of laughter and I'm left there awkward and I felt heartbroken all over again. Realising this, Kyle slaps his hand over his mouth, "No, Juliet. I'm so sorry!"

I fake a small laugh, "Don't be sorry! What else did I expect? I'm clearly a joke to him." I rush out and chug the rest of my wine before my emotions get the better of me.

"He's a prick, you have Mario anyway." I smile, I know he wouldn't of laughed if he understood I'm not over it yet, "Just give it time, you'll come to really like him I can feel it."

Mario was someone I had met on a work trip in Spain. He co-owns the company I work for along with Mr.Silverman, I'd only recently met him as I'd never been able to attend work trips because I was ill most of the times they would go. I know, it sucks.

I should give him a chance. He seems like such a lovely guy but it's a case of, am I ready? I don't want to string him along.

"Oh sh*t!" Kyle shoots up out of his seat and grabs his things, "Sorry, honey, I have to go - hot date at my door right now."

I check the time. It's just past midnight, he gets booty calls like this all the time and I can never understand how he keeps up with them.

"It's fine, go, I'm super tired anyway so I'm going to head to bed." Smiling up at him, he bends down to give me a peck on the cheek. I stand up to walk him out but he stops me.

"I'll lock up, you get your head down."

Nodding I decide to sleep in the cosy room, grabbing a blanket from my large blanket pile and some cheese and crackers out of the mini fridge.

I hear Kyle lock up and I must've fell asleep not long after that.


I'm awoken by the sound of my phone ringing but I'm far too tired to answer it. I shrug it off and roll over, ready to doze back off once it stops ringing - except it doesn't stop ringing.

Groaning I pick up my phone and see two texts from an unknown number and four missed calls from the same number. Huh?

Unlocking my phone I notice that the number belongs to Nicholas, shit! Wait... what? Why was he calling? I read through the texts.

'I'm so so sorry about last night, Jules you just caught me at a bad time. Can we meet up? For lunch or dinner?'

'Jules, come on. I'm sorry let me make it up to you. I really want to see you.'

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